Most people associate Crowley with LaVey... Both were
very different people, and they serve as two
very different examples of extremes as far as non-Christian practices are concerned.
The same thing goes for Thelema, Satanism, and the Temple of Set.
VERY different things.
It is a common misconception, really. When Hollywood shows you one thing, and the Sunday sermon of Hell, Fire, and Brimstone tells you another, one begins to believe that anything different or secular is not only the same, but bad.
In layman's terms: If it's not Christian, it's Satan. And Satan is the enemy.
Believe me, as a child, I grew up in a very strict protestant family and I heard it every day of my life, so I completely understand where a lot of people are coming from in regards to what you were taught vs. growing up and seeking knowledge yourself, and formulating your own opinions about things.
For some, it's just hard to break away from the mindset you were brought up with. I know I'm stating the obvious here, but that explains why Bree feels conflicted in her relationship with Daniel.
From my own past research, (and in my opinion) if anything could be said to compare LaVey and Crowley, it would be that LaVey bastardized and debased the writings of Crowley, contorting them as a foundation for his own doctrine.
Here is a
short article giving a brief rundown of the doctrines of Satanism, Temple of Set, and Crowley.
I hope this was helpful in aiding you to reach your own conclusions on the matter, Jagee, Christie, Alimaria (and anyone else who is iffy).