This is why Itigerlilylynn wrote:Working on's messy

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As a request:Killthesmiley wrote:The first post needs to be updated!!!
Word pie. Splitting the image posts off of this was hard enough, getting value out of it???diastres wrote:As a request:Killthesmiley wrote:The first post needs to be updated!!!
If someone wants the first post updated with some information, please don't just say it needs to be updated. State what needs to be added.
I've been pulling things from the thread and sticking them in the first post, but I might miss something. Plus I was just sleeping for hours and I'm recovering for the flu. Granted, the Operators can as well, but there's no saying they didn't miss something either (especially in the huge number of photoanalysis posts that were there last night).
Maybe it would be helpful to put the identifications of the different symbols?diastres wrote:As a request:Killthesmiley wrote:The first post needs to be updated!!!
If someone wants the first post updated with some information, please don't just say it needs to be updated. State what needs to be added.
I've been pulling things from the thread and sticking them in the first post, but I might miss something. Plus I was just sleeping for hours and I'm recovering for the flu. Granted, the Operators can as well, but there's no saying they didn't miss something either (especially in the huge number of photoanalysis posts that were there last night).
its already been figured out lolAntissa Pompeii wrote:Okay, this seems really dumb, and it probably is, but something about the Latin sentance is bothering me. It says 'Graecum est; non potest legi.' And in my Latin class, we've learned that the ending 'est' in the word 'postest' means 'he/she can,' so possibly that implies that maybe a certain person cannot open that, or figure it out.
Like I said, kinda dumb, but just maybe...
I don't understand what she means by "that's one more 12." an someone explain that to me or point me to an explanation?The Theta is similar to an Egyptian symbol that represents the Sun, and the Mu was derived from the Egyptian hieroglyphic symbol for water. So the Sun equals Ra...and the water equals Naunet? Or maybe Poseidon? When combined this "watcher" symbol establishes that the Order rules and watches over all that exists in between.
Theta is the 8th letter, Mu is the 12th. So that's one more 12, but the 8 = ?.
Theta was also used as an abbreviation for "Thanatos," and considered a warning of death.
I'm aware it says that (I'd have to be to discuss it), but as I said in the post you quoted, I don't see anything about its wording that "obviously" indicates these people to be guardians.ladron121 wrote:From the note that was in the encrypted file:Lurker wrote:I don't think it's so obvious (certainly no else has suggested that). To me it looks like something that would go along with an Illuminati-like theory (an "all-seeing eye"). In other words, that the Order's authority and influence run deep, and they see everything.Loki wrote:I think it's pretty obvious what we're being told here. "Watchers" are like the guardians of everything between the Sun and the water.
The Theta is similar to an Egyptian symbol that represents the Sun, and the Mu was derived from the Egyptian hieroglyphic symbol for water. So the Sun equals Ra...and the water equals Naunet? Or maybe Poseidon? When combined this "watcher" symbol establishes that the Order rules and watches over all that exists in between.