I love sleep

Ok, so my morning thoughts on all this, based off your recent posts:
1) If us knowing what all the books were was important, they would have been more prominently displayed. The only book that they have done that with is "The Clue in the Diary", which showed up clearly in Daniels vid and Bree's latest;
2) The name of the file, SEMIOTICS, means that anyone should be able to figure out what the password is, it should have universal meaning;
3) Daniel is not a coder, so the puzzle is not going to be super difficult. Remember back to the first few puzzles, when OpAphid was yelling at us ever 30 minutes to stop OVER-analyzing things;
4) My opinion is that we do not have enough info yet. This is either by design, so that we have to keep pace w/ Daniel, or we are missing something very obvious.
Either way, OpAphid and Tachyon have become less than dilligent in responding to e-mails. In the past we could bounce ideas off them and get clues, or at the very least a simple response to if we are on the right track. This doesn't seem to be the case anymore.