Interesting... but what began there? Is that a clue that Jonas is not trustworthy?tayduh1987 wrote:Where it BEGAN!spam6530 wrote:ok, so reversing haikU is Ukiah... the city with the bowling ally and Jonas' house... but where does that leave us?deagol wrote:Try reversing haikU...
Tachyon's handwriting: ... PCback.jpg ... postit.jpg ... pcback.jpg ... ixnote.jpg ... eting3.jpg ... roppc2.jpg
0137- Jonas Sucks
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- PinkoLady
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Hey! That was my lucky assassin hat!
- tayduh1987
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I have no idea...if I knew I PROMISE that I would let you know.PinkoLady wrote:Interesting... but what began there? Is that a clue that Jonas is not trustworthy?tayduh1987 wrote:Where it BEGAN!spam6530 wrote: ok, so reversing haikU is Ukiah... the city with the bowling ally and Jonas' house... but where does that leave us?
- longlostposter
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And Daniel didn't see her?tayduh1987 wrote:maybe tachyon knew that daniel was going to the car so she left it for HIM to findlonglostposter wrote:If Tachyon left this package in the car for a watcher to find, then Tachyon is as big a bumbler as Leslie Nielson.
I'm putting all my money on Tachyon not leaving this package.
You can call me Juli or LLP, whichever suits your fancy.
I want the ghost of Jim Morrison to come and haunt me.
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Shout outs to my beautiful daughter badkittyx1505, Aithne, and Lurker.
I want the ghost of Jim Morrison to come and haunt me.
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Shout outs to my beautiful daughter badkittyx1505, Aithne, and Lurker.
- PinkoLady
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Ha, I know-- but that actually seems likely enough, Ukiah being the beginning of the problem, and Jonas being that problem. Tachyon doesn't usually write in Haiku, as far as I've seen.I have no idea...if I knew I PROMISE that I would let you know.
Last edited by PinkoLady on Thu Feb 22, 2007 12:29 am, edited 1 time in total.
Hey! That was my lucky assassin hat!
- Supa Mario
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- tayduh1987
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If Ukaih is what Haiku was supposed to mean then I think we are on the right track...we just have to figure out what Tach is trying to tell us.PinkoLady wrote:Ha, I know-- but that actually seems likely enough, Ukiah being the beginning of the problem, and Jonas being that problem. Tachyon doesn't usually write in Haiku, as far as I've seen.
I really wish that Tach, Brother, or OP would put out a video soon!!
Here's a website that might help.Gidget wrote:This is from QtheC on the comment boards.
I posted it on here to get us on the same page:
Certain (1st book Daniel flips through)
No. 7 “The Clue in the Diary” ... ryNetND-20
Very Confident (2nd book Daniel flips through)
No. 19 “The Quest of the Missing Map” ... ryNetND-20
Pretty Confident (book in Daniel’s hand at 1:11)
No. 10 “Password to Larkspur Lane” ... ryNetND-20
(yellowish book below the one in Daniel’s hand at 1:11)
No. 54 “The Strange Message in the Parchment” ... ryNetND-20
No. 15 “The Haunted Bridge” ... ryNetND-20
No. 22 “The Clue in the Crumbling Wall” ... ryNetND-20
(dark book with centered title to the left of the one in Daniel’s hand at 1:11)
No. 2 “The Hidden Staircase” ... ryNetND-20
No. 46 “The Invisible Intruder” ... ryNetND-20
It has really good copies of all editions of the classic 56.
I'm almost positive the one that's dark on his left is The Hidden Staircase, but I really can't tell.
- tayduh1987
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- tayduh1987
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See, I guess I'm just curious about the randomness of the books selected. That's why I wondered if maybe the volume numbers played a part. If only there was a better screenshot or someone with some high-tech equipment that can focus in way better that my lousy photoshop.tayduh1987 wrote:Yea I guess they finally gave us something!!!! Let's hope that Daniel is smart enough to crack it!Dejajeva wrote:Well, let's be positive! We do have something to analyze. The books, the haiku, the x's and y's.
I think this is a good possibility. The note from Tach did say the answer was before daniel... meaning the note in his hand a.k.a. the "haiku". So where it all began is Ukiah. My guess is Tach intended for Daniel to figure out the puzzle to open up the disc she had gave the trio. I think the disc might reveal the truth on Jonas and answer some of our questions on Jonas' motives... especially with the sneaky things he's been doing lately like phone calls and hitting on bree.PinkoLady wrote:Interesting... but what began there? Is that a clue that Jonas is not trustworthy?tayduh1987 wrote:Where it BEGAN!spam6530 wrote: ok, so reversing haikU is Ukiah... the city with the bowling ally and Jonas' house... but where does that leave us?
The X's and Y's are prolly involved in finding out the password.
ANNNND... I can't believe no one has mentioned how Daniel called Jonas a dick! I literally lol'd.
- TommyIsCancer
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I think we have to assume that Tachyon DID plant the package. Those links that deagol posted are proof that the note on the package is the same as Tachyon's.
I mean, who else could plant it? It's not like the Order did because they would have had to track them down mere hours after they got to the cabin. Besides, how would Bree or Jonas or anyone else have a note with Tachyon's handwriting? We would have to assume that found the original package with the note and replaced it with a different package just to throw Daniel off. I think that's too much assuming and too much reading into this, personally.
I for one think that it's simplier than we want to make it out to be. Tachyon probably just planted the package and we have to solve the clues. That's it.
I mean, who else could plant it? It's not like the Order did because they would have had to track them down mere hours after they got to the cabin. Besides, how would Bree or Jonas or anyone else have a note with Tachyon's handwriting? We would have to assume that found the original package with the note and replaced it with a different package just to throw Daniel off. I think that's too much assuming and too much reading into this, personally.
I for one think that it's simplier than we want to make it out to be. Tachyon probably just planted the package and we have to solve the clues. That's it.
So we have a number 52 and a 7. What's the other ones number again?HisGirl wrote:The title of the book is:
Secret of the Forgotten City!!!!
It's book number 52
Clue in the Diary is number 7
-coughsplutter-Onewen wrote:We've seen Nancy Drew tons of times...even NikkiB has a book she was showing in one of her vids...either the Creators are huge fans, or it has to mean something!
*gasp* is Nancy Drew canon????

i/I was a part of the Tachyon videos and clues, yes, I think it was along the lines of I meant Tachyon, and i meant the name of another female, can't find the link where it was explained, help somebody?Brucker wrote:A very, very good point. Note also that the "haiku" has been copied down wrong here; the last line is "a subtle clue I Drew"Supa Mario wrote:where it all started
the answer is before you
a subtle clue i drew
I think it's very significant that both the last words are capitalized. Of course, "Drew" refers to Nancy Drew. Does anyone remember what "i/I" stands for? Because I seem to recall, although I am not a follower of the ARG, that capital and lower-case i's were important in early Tachyon videos. My theory is that this is indeed a haiku, but the word "Drew" is not part of it, but rather part of the signature.
Ooo.spam6530 wrote:ok, so reversing haikU is Ukiah... the city with the bowling ally and Jonas' house... but where does that leave us?deagol wrote:Try reversing haikU...
I swear we were seperated at birth. Nancy Drew AND Veronica Mars!!Dejajeva wrote:Hi guys. I'm, new, to the LG15 saga, (and this is my first post) but I may be able to help. I'm actually pretty obsessed with Nancy Drew, and have all of the main books here. The old ones, anyways.
I don't know if I can help, but I can certainly go look stuff up for you. Also, I noticed Daniel talking about Nancy Drew's hometown, and, I may have missed one of you saying it, but it's River Heights.
Also, um, well, on Veronica Mars, she's always telling people if they don't want to be traceable, to get a pre-paid cell phone. So if Rob Thomas and such are correct, then pre-paid cells are NOT able to be traced. But that's just what I know from watching VM.
I don't know how much this will help, but there it is anyways.

I swear, the funniest part of this entire video, let alone the most important, was when Dan muttered Dick under his breath. Heehee. I clicked back deliberately to listen to it again

Jonas parents disappeared at sea, so you could poetically say they were Swallowed by the Sea.TommyIsCancer wrote:Time for another wacky theory...
"X & Y" is an album by Coldplay. There are 3 y's and 11 x's. Track 3 is called "White Shadows." Track 11 is "Swallowed in the Sea."
What happened to Jonas' parents? They were apparently swallowed in the sea.
Also, Lucy always wears white, doesn't she? Or someone from the Order does...I Think
Edited once for clarity and a really bad spelling mistake

"You guys stuck a fish in the face"
Daniel speak good English lots
"Hi! We're here to take you to Six Flags, little girl. But first we wanna tie you up".
~Jonas [My Lover]
I like funfunfun
"You guys stuck a fish in the face"
Daniel speak good English lots
"Hi! We're here to take you to Six Flags, little girl. But first we wanna tie you up".
~Jonas [My Lover]
I like funfunfun