solasura wrote:did you take those pictures while you were there?
They are all from what's already been posted - split second frames in one of the YouTubes especially and from various links that have been posted. The maps are just the general location but the pictures are specific
crapcrapcrapcrap! we just got back! my dad and i went! he's a vietnam vet so we had some dope ass equip and he's totally crazy so nothing stopped us! we had to hike for four hours and thenall the sudden he started laughing and i though we were dead because i thought he was posessed! and then he pointed and we were THERE! we have a vid! i'm goingg to post it in a sec!!!
omygod! it was sooooo coool! just so you know...there's really nothing there physically, but we ggot a great CLUE!!!!
lopez wrote:crapcrapcrapcrap! we just got back! my dad and i went! he's a vietnam vet so we had some dope ass equip and he's totally crazy so nothing stopped us! we had to hike for four hours and thenall the sudden he started laughing and i though we were dead because i thought he was posessed! and then he pointed and we were THERE! we have a vid! i'm goingg to post it in a sec!!!
omygod! it was sooooo coool! just so you know...there's really nothing there physically, but we ggot a great CLUE!!!!
i know...i thought he was going to get us killed a few times. we got chased once. i thought it was cops or rangers but he was CERTAIN they were civillians. as far as he was concerned, and he was a marine in vietnam around 68...they were a "few fat civilllians" so i guess we did some sort of end run on the producers maybe. we finally got home and my cell rang on a private call dad made me make a phony voice saying "this is cassie" on soundstudio to answer the calls with but they stopped after the first two...he went to bed as if it were all in a day's work, but i'm trying to stay up and edit the video...i'm tired though...maybe i'll just load the raw footage and let you guys see. i was a bit weirded out about the two private calls at this early of an hour. but screw it! we totally buttonhooked them all! i bet they still have ass rash from when they slipped down the scree chasing us!