This link is to the Alistair Crowley article on Wikipedia
Take a close look at that image right below the picture of Crowley, the Thelema Portal. got it?
now, take a look at the top of the page. this is the background banner image

Its the same figure. im currently doing some research on Crowley and the Thelema portal, but im eventually going to have to go back to school so maybe i could get some help...
this is a biggie.
The HELTER SKELTER references. i dont know how much of this has been mentioned already, but i think that the sheer number of references make it important. First off, the WHO poem contains the helter skelter lyrics "tell me tell me tell me the answer."
The title of the second YT video, "when i get to the bottom where i stop" is more helter skelter lyrics. The reason i think helter skelter is important is because the song had a huge amount of personal significance for Serial killer and cult leader Charles Manson. Helter Skelter is even the title of the most famous book about him that his attourney wrote. Manson is directly referenced in the second video, two split second frames are spliced in to "when i get to the bottom where i stop". these are the only frames that are not inverted. one is a crime scene pic of the shaon tate murder and the second is a shot of a door where manson himself wrote the words "Helter Skelter." he wrote it with victim's blood. manson was a cult leader. so was crowley. brees parents seem to clearly be involved in some sort of cult. Sharon Tate was 8 months pregnant when she was murdered, stabbed 16 times i think. for those of you (myself included) who have been theorizing that bree is pregnant, this becomes even more relavent. With the tate murders and charles manson being specifically and repeatedly referenced, i think Cassie is intentionally drawing some sort of paralell between cultism/pregnancy/murder/etc.
this may or may not mean anything.
this is from the wikipedia article about crowley:
As a child, his constant rebellious behaviour displeased his devout mother to such an extent she would chastise him by calling him "The Beast" (from the Book of Revelation), an epithet that Crowley would later happily adopt for himself.
does the name DanielBEAST have any relationship to either Crowley or the book of revelations(also repeatedly referenced.)
Also, this is a bit of a longshot. Bree's Helper for the ceremony is named Lucy--Lucifer? haha probably not.
reinforcing the elements of Cultism, Punishment/Death, and Pregnancy/Birth: That one picture that has six other pictures, of the six i see some pope looking guy, the feet of a hanging person(Hangman Tarot?), and what appears to me to be a child being born. These seem to me to reference Religion/ceremony/cultism, Killing/Punishment/Murder, Pregnancy/Childbirth. repeating motifs or something.
FIVE: I dunno if you guys knew, maybe you did. Bree talks about Bibliomancy, and the revelations video also seems to reference it. Tarot cards are a form of Bibliomancy.
I have some more stuff, but lets see if anyone reads this first, so i dont waste time typing for nothing.
Oh yeah, one last thing. about this Kelrast guy, hes a suspicious character, particularly since KELRAST is an anagram for STALKER. hes dropping some useful hints, but be wary.