An Observation

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An Observation

Post by Shurlawk »

hello. i stumbled onto this this business yesterday while messing around on youtube looking for videos of kids hurting themselves by accident. i got sucked in hardcore and ended up reading this mess for a few hours. ive noticed a couple things. Im not going to post any of my conclusions, so im just gonna put down everything i noticed so you can all meditate on it and arrive at your own.

This link is to the Alistair Crowley article on Wikipedia
Take a close look at that image right below the picture of Crowley, the Thelema Portal. got it?
now, take a look at the top of the page. this is the background banner image Image

Its the same figure. im currently doing some research on Crowley and the Thelema portal, but im eventually going to have to go back to school so maybe i could get some help...

this is a biggie.
The HELTER SKELTER references. i dont know how much of this has been mentioned already, but i think that the sheer number of references make it important. First off, the WHO poem contains the helter skelter lyrics "tell me tell me tell me the answer."
The title of the second YT video, "when i get to the bottom where i stop" is more helter skelter lyrics. The reason i think helter skelter is important is because the song had a huge amount of personal significance for Serial killer and cult leader Charles Manson. Helter Skelter is even the title of the most famous book about him that his attourney wrote. Manson is directly referenced in the second video, two split second frames are spliced in to "when i get to the bottom where i stop". these are the only frames that are not inverted. one is a crime scene pic of the shaon tate murder and the second is a shot of a door where manson himself wrote the words "Helter Skelter." he wrote it with victim's blood. manson was a cult leader. so was crowley. brees parents seem to clearly be involved in some sort of cult. Sharon Tate was 8 months pregnant when she was murdered, stabbed 16 times i think. for those of you (myself included) who have been theorizing that bree is pregnant, this becomes even more relavent. With the tate murders and charles manson being specifically and repeatedly referenced, i think Cassie is intentionally drawing some sort of paralell between cultism/pregnancy/murder/etc.

this may or may not mean anything.
this is from the wikipedia article about crowley:
As a child, his constant rebellious behaviour displeased his devout mother to such an extent she would chastise him by calling him "The Beast" (from the Book of Revelation), an epithet that Crowley would later happily adopt for himself.
does the name DanielBEAST have any relationship to either Crowley or the book of revelations(also repeatedly referenced.)
Also, this is a bit of a longshot. Bree's Helper for the ceremony is named Lucy--Lucifer? haha probably not.


reinforcing the elements of Cultism, Punishment/Death, and Pregnancy/Birth: That one picture that has six other pictures, of the six i see some pope looking guy, the feet of a hanging person(Hangman Tarot?), and what appears to me to be a child being born. These seem to me to reference Religion/ceremony/cultism, Killing/Punishment/Murder, Pregnancy/Childbirth. repeating motifs or something.

FIVE: I dunno if you guys knew, maybe you did. Bree talks about Bibliomancy, and the revelations video also seems to reference it. Tarot cards are a form of Bibliomancy.

I have some more stuff, but lets see if anyone reads this first, so i dont waste time typing for nothing.

Oh yeah, one last thing. about this Kelrast guy, hes a suspicious character, particularly since KELRAST is an anagram for STALKER. hes dropping some useful hints, but be wary.
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Post by Watson »


Well done old boy!

Meet me for a glass of port tonight?.

oh yes....

BREE is an anagram for ... BEER ! i knew she was a wild one
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Post by Charlotte Eve »

yes, critical.
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Post by maldemer »

Tarot cards aren't a form of bibliomancy, and that symbol isn't too difficult to find. It's a unicursal hexagram and had a great deal of significance for ALEISTER Crowley. A-L-E-I-S-T-E-R.
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Post by Watson »

"Because book owners frequently have favorite passages that the books open themselves to, some practitioners use dice or another randomiser to choose the page to be opened. This practice was formalized by the use of coins or yarrow stalks in consulting the I Ching. Tarot can also be considered a form of bibliomancy, with the main difference that the cards (pages) are unbound." - Wikipedia

who is the authority on bibliomancy?

And why would the... hexathingy be in there if it didnt have importance, thoes arent just imbeded all over in ppls headers.
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Post by Sfonzarelli »

This is blatant false advertizing. This stuff isn't criticial and it's certainly not new. Lurk more! Thank you!
I've got a Morse Code anagram for you to decode, Cassie:

-.-. ..-. ..- -.- / ..- -.-- ---
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Post by Luv2Luvem »

Watson wrote:"Because book owners frequently have favorite passages that the books open themselves to, some practitioners use dice or another randomiser to choose the page to be opened. This practice was formalized by the use of coins or yarrow stalks in consulting the I Ching. Tarot can also be considered a form of bibliomancy, with the main difference that the cards (pages) are unbound." - Wikipedia

who is the authority on bibliomancy?
Well wikipedia is the authority of course! Wikipedia is always right! :roll:
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Post by chixor1 »

UNfortunately I have to agree with some of the others.
I may be relatively new to posting around here myself, but the idea is to try and keep posts to a minimum unless they involve some new information or way of thinking.
Sadly some of what you have mentioned has been touched upon elsewhere.
Please read through the timeline or the LG15pedia.

Also I wouldnt say that wikipedia is an authority on Bibliomancy either since the information is posted and edited by anyone who has an account on there.

Thanks for trying though, please stick around.
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Post by Hodabes »

You should probably change the subject line for your post; it makes a person think a new video was uploaded or something.

And when I say "a person," I mean me. And yes, I am crying about it. :cry:
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Post by Sfonzarelli »

chixor1 wrote:Sadly some of what you have mentioned has been touched upon elsewhere.
I'd say ALL of what he has mentioned has been debated to death elsewhere.
I've got a Morse Code anagram for you to decode, Cassie:

-.-. ..-. ..- -.- / ..- -.-- ---
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Post by lordgreystoke422 »

Yet another newbie that thinks we are all morons...Jumping in at Lonelygirl15 1001 And Intro to Cassie 2001...
when we are defending our master's thesis..
to move on to our doctorate work

We have had really all of this...try reading some of our work..
Last edited by lordgreystoke422 on Mon Oct 02, 2006 7:46 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by twjaniak »

lordgreystoke422 wrote:Yet another newbie that thinks we are all morons...Jumping in at Lonelygirl15 1001 And Intro to Cassie 2001...

We have had really all of this...try reading some of our work..
And there are signs of potential sockpuppetry at work as well.
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Post by Watson »

Im curious:

Had anyone seen the hexa-thingy in the banner and documented it on here?

if so, link ?

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Post by chixor1 »

I just want to add that I was offering assistance by suggesting that you read up on the LG15pedia.
However since you decide to take your flaming privately watson, maybe you would like to let the "the upper eschelon of the utterly gay obsessed society of freaks!" as you call them know that what you have to contribute to this game is way more important than what they have been able to accomplish so far!

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Post by lordgreystoke422 »

twjaniak wrote:
lordgreystoke422 wrote:Yet another newbie that thinks we are all morons...Jumping in at Lonelygirl15 1001 And Intro to Cassie 2001...

We have had really all of this...try reading some of our work..
And there are signs of potential sockpuppetry at work as well.
I had that idea myself..can we lock this one up and have you change the name?
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