The Disc in "Rescuing Daniel"

Clues. Theories. Where do you think the story is headed?

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Post by PinkoLady »

Lurker wrote:
I agree that it'll probably be something Bree wonders about, but even then I don't think it has to be important in that sense such that there has to be a reunion or something to that effect. I think if they have to play some part in Bree maturing/growing up/adjusting to her life, they could be equally important if she were to just learn from OpAphid that her birth parents were killed and she was taken from them. Even if she were to never even learn their names, what they looked like, or where they were from.

Oh yeah, I agree that her real parents as characters within the show aren't nearly as important as her finding out who they were, etc. I just definitely think they'll be an important plot device, whether they're already dead or if they're a character we already know, or whatever.
Last edited by PinkoLady on Sat Feb 17, 2007 4:52 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Kanazaka »

I'm hoping for a treasure trove of data on the Order members on that disc, or at least something like meeting minutes or internal memos. That would help.
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Post by Nieriel.Manwathiel »

Kasdeja wrote:NOBODY could find them in Indiana. 8)
fellas, fellas, who the HELL would think of TN??
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Post by Nieriel.Manwathiel »

Again I will promote my theory.

Bree was told female BABIES are TAKEN if they have the right qualities.

Bree would be moved by footage of her parents if they express how ticked they are that their baby was taken.

But moreso:

Bree's "mom" is higher up in the Order; high up enough to not have her feathers ruffled by the Deacon's reaction to Bree not wanting to do the ceremony.

How high up is she?
Why is Tachyon so bent on taking down Oppy and helping Bree?

My theory:
Bree's "mom" = Oppy
Bree's bio-mom = Tachy
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Post by Ziola »

Tachy is only a few years older then Bree.
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Post by longlostposter »

Lurker wrote:
It's probably unfair of me considering how they went at this experiment, but when I think of them leaving space for something to potentially happen if they ran out of ideas, it seems like shoddy writing/creating/whatever. Running out of ideas shouldn't even be a possibility in my opinion. By this I mean everything that needs to happen should already be known and planned, with maybe some room for including the characters eating a Snicker bar during an episode if the series can get some product placement.
Yeah, I do think it's unfair. After all, if it's an ARG, then how could they have it all planned out? It would be nothing more than a TV show or mini-movie. Also, that's what Sam has seven friends did..the had great writers, the videos were like something out of Hollywood, the acting was incredible, but because there was no fan input, it didn't get a good fan following going. That show was by far the superior one (as far as plot, professional-looking videos), but since there wasn't the fan input, it just sort of collapsed.

I'm still hoping they do the second season, but I don't think it's going to happen.
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Post by Lurker »

longlostposter wrote:Yeah, I do think it's unfair. After all, if it's an ARG, then how could they have it all planned out?
Well, that's a funny story, which I'll try to explain as best I can (bear with me; I might ramble a little).

I understand your point, and that's why I thought that my comment there would be seen as unfair considering the fan angle on this whole thing. However, I still think it suggests a lack of planning that should be in place, because something like a true fan-based input-output system would never work, and hasn't even actually been consistently used in LG15.

At best you could reasonably expect to get fan input to determine a specific, non-major choice every once in a while, but when all is said and done, you're really going to need to have to create an overall narrative yourself. At least you'll have to if you want that narrative to be of high quality. You will inevitably have to shape it to be the best it can be yourself (as random decisions from fans won't make that happen), so you might as well have it in place from the start. If you don't, it's going to show (as it has at times here).

The ironic part of this to me is that the Creators realized (from the beginning or as time passed, I wonder? I'd love to know) that the level of fan interaction couldn't be too intense. They said a while back that while fan input could have effects, LG15 wouldn't become a "choose your own adventure" thing. "Choose your own adventure" was really the impression many of us got early on when the idea of fan input having results was introduced.

The reason I say it couldn't be left too much to the fans is because the only basis by which one would have to determine where fan input sent things would be the concept that the majority rules - which isn't always a good system. Especially where passionate, dedicated fans with opposing opinions are concerned. So, really, it all falls back on the producers anyway.

They can't use the tyranny of the majority system without alienating one segment of fans or the other (potentially up to 49% every time) from decision to decision, and even if one did think it was the way to go, sometimes the majority of fans can't be trusted to make the decision that's needed. This was potentially the case with the test for Jonas several months ago. Though the majority of forum members ended up voting in favor of going to Jonas' (after the deck was carefully stacked in that direction), the decision had already been made to send them there and the video was already filmed.

That's where the story needed to go, and the Creators knew that. They also knew that they couldn't just run the risk of trusting us to recognize that. I for one didn't recognize it, and found the whole idea of Jonas way too convenient and suspicious. In Bree and Daniel's position, I myself would have never chosen to go to his place, nor would I have advised them to. But, as far as what the story needed, I was wrong, and so were those who agreed with me at that time.

The story needed to move to Jonas' place (and we got a great character out of it, who I've actually come to like and trust), so the Creators made sure it did, regardless of what the fans could have decided. I for one have since been very proud of the Creators when I realized the ruse about the forum "deciding." Not long before that, during a big discussion that was analyzing what various forum members believed to be problems in the story and production as a whole, myself and some other forum members had implored the Creators to do what they thought was needed, no matter what we fans said - because we could be wrong about where the story should go, but the Creators hopefully shouldn't be.

I can't prove much of what I'm about to say; it's largely conjecture, but I believe it's a series of good guesses. I think Miles, Mesh, Amanda, Greg, and whoever else had been listening to everyone too much before that, and trying too hard to do too many things at one time. That was a transitional period for the series, and I think they were hesitating to make the needed transitions.

They were trying to please the people who thought LG15 should be those cutesie videos that actually had little place in what LG15 was becoming, yet also trying to please those of us with a taste for a sophisticated, suspenseful, mystery with mature themes. It also seemed like they were trying to listen to what everybody thought they should do, and momentum in the plot just ceased to exist. The whole thing got stagnant. Were they going to go to Jonas' or weren't they? Could he be trusted or couldn't he? After a while, it got to the point that even those of us who saw going to Jonas' place as the absolute worst idea imaginable said "Good God, just make them go so something will happen."

I hope somewhere in all this rambling my point's coming into focus: a story (even an ongoing one) can't be run by fan input. It just can't work. At least not if any potential profit value is going to be realized. It can't be left to chance, or the random whims of a vocal group that could actually be the fanbase's overall minority.

With the inevitable result being that the producers of the project will have to take over either way, to get the best quality out of it as a whole, it might as well be planned out in large part from the very beginning. Of course, it's possible that I'm still not being fair. I'm sure when I referred to this series as an experiment I wasn't wrong, at least not about its first few months.

This is more conjecture on my part, but I bet they wanted to see if fan input really could guide things to a great extent. Maybe they just wanted to see if it could work. Truly, perhaps it was in large part an experiment to that effect. If they pondered that, I think they got their answer. It won't work, and I don't think it ever can. At least not as an etertainment medium when the commodity in question is one that's trying to be - and needs to be - a coherent, serious and bankable story (and LG15 being bankable remains as important - or more important - as the answer to the question about whether fan guidance can work).
longlostposter wrote:It would be nothing more than a TV show or mini-movie.
Essentially, that's what it now is, and how many of us see it. Minus the ARG elements, that's all it would actually be, and most of the fans don't play the ARG anyway. Even those of us who are constantly staying apprised of developments in it.

Like I said, in those early months after the outing of LG15 as a production, I do believe the fans got a considerable amount of power. Even more than they realized they had. I bet Daniel and Bree taking to living in motels was the fans' power at work. The existence of the Watchers probably was too. But, again, things stagnated, and I firmly believe it was largely because there was little in the way of a clear-cut consensus on what should happen - so the Creators had to take control.

Since the Bree/Gemma/Jonas chat and the "test" for Jonas, the Creators have hardly even played at the idea of fan interaction being what they once talked about it as. I do still believe they read our comments and consider our input, but I think (from around mid-December) they've been guiding it where they knew it needed to go. And thank God for it.

There's been much more coherency since then (despite some apparent slow and irrelevant times), much more obvious relevance to various happenings (the slow and apparently irrelevant times in January ended up having a clear purpose), and improved pacing - yet none of the talk about the fan input.

So, that's my long-winded dissertation on why I think a high quality story demands producer/creator guidance/planning from start to finish, and why significant fan input can be more of a problem than anything (to the point that it should hardly be entertained most of the time). That said, you do still make some interesting comments below that I'd like to consider now.
longlostposter wrote:Also, that's what Sam has seven friends did..the had great writers, the videos were like something out of Hollywood, the acting was incredible, but because there was no fan input, it didn't get a good fan following going. That show was by far the superior one (as far as plot, professional-looking videos), but since there wasn't the fan input, it just sort of collapsed.
I didn't follow that series as closely as this one (not sure why), but I think there's too many potential variables that could have played into why that series didn't get as big as LG15. It could have been more because it was presented differently (LG15 was presented as an apparently authentic vlog at first; Sam Has 7 Friends was always presented as a production). Maybe it was because one was on Revver and the other was on YouTube. Maybe it was because SH7F followed in the wake of LG15's hype and couldn't possibly match it.

I don't think there's enough data to conclude that SH7F failed to achieve the same level of popularity that LG15 achieved because of solely the issue of fan input. While that's certainly a potential factor that we can't dismiss, I feel compelled to point out that there's so many television programs with huge viewership that have no more fan interaction than SH7F has, yet they're as successful as LG15, or even more successful. For most of them, the fan interaction begins and ends at the same point it did for SH7F: discussing the series on a forum. Heck, SH7F probably had a slightly higher level of fan interaction, because the people making it would be more likely to pay close attention to what viewers were saying on a forum than the corporate moguls behind CSI would be likely to.

There's also to consider the various vlogs that get tens of thousands of viewers, when only a few hundred people comment. The large majority of viewers with those videos (and LG15 videos, for that matter) never even comment, so their interaction never goes beyond just watching. I think there's got to be something more to it than fan interaction. I don't know what it is, but it just doesn't seem like the answer to me based on what little I know.
longlostposter wrote:I'm still hoping they do the second season, but I don't think it's going to happen.
Even though I still haven't watched all the episodes in the first one, I hope so too. It would be a shame to leave it incomplete.
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Cannot agree entirely

Post by Kimmy »

They were trying to please the people who thought LG15 should be those cutesie videos that actually had little place in what LG15 was becoming, yet also trying to please those of us with a taste for a sophisticated, suspenseful, mystery with mature themes.
I agree with much of Lurker's commentary, but want to point out that until LG15 is studied completely the drop off in fans at the turn towards the darker subject matters is unknowable. I saw about 15 of my children and their friends lose interest as a result of the switch. Their peer group is quite large. If I actually polled them, all of them university and college students I'd expect a much greater result. They range in age from 27 to 19, interests vary from athletic to the arts and all found the earlier "lighter" videos appealing from different angles. None of them have any interest any longer, as it has lost any connection to their world.
Keeping harder core fans is certainly important, but the loss of casual watchers, who found Bree and her life appealing shouldn't be dismissed so lightly if the creators want to gain funding. I'm hanging on by a thread, hoping some of the charm will be retained and it won't just devolve into another endless (and at my age repetitious) mystery series. Dark mysterious religious cults are easy. Blood, religious orders secretly carrying out mysterious rites, inheritance surprise: it's not only all over the internet, it's been the plot of hundreds of books and many movies. (Da Vinci Code comes to mind...). The unusual aspect of this project was Bree, her personality, humour and the lightness of the creator's touch. Anyone can do melodrama. Comedy is hard.
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Post by Sami »

I hope it is the info Tachyon stole form OpAphid
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Post by Balmung »

Kimmy has an amazing point. and it's true, although i really enjoy the mystery of where the series is now, i do miss the cute faces bree'd make while "proving science wronggg"
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Post by Incognito »

ya, i agree.
the whole thing's gotten a lot first a fight with daniel was a huge problem, and now their lives are in danger...

Re: Cannot agree entirely

Post by Lurker »

Kimmy wrote:I agree with much of Lurker's commentary, but want to point out that until LG15 is studied completely the drop off in fans at the turn towards the darker subject matters is unknowable. I saw about 15 of my children and their friends lose interest as a result of the switch. Their peer group is quite large. If I actually polled them, all of them university and college students I'd expect a much greater result.
I'd be interested in a formal, in depth study as well. If I actually had the resources to conduct it myself, I would.

I think it's interesting that you bring up that particular age group since the majority of the fans who comment on the forum here appear to be college-age or older (and since the majority of that group grew tired of Bree's stuffed animal antics). I'm curious as to just who the majority of fans really are and what their preferences really are. I'd like to see an extensive study that would ask them all questions like "Would you prefer the videos have stayed what they were?"

For even those like myself who grew annoyed with Bree during the motel saga, I'd like to know if her behavior would have ever bothered us had there never been that shift to darker subject matter (with or without the knowledge that it was a production). I don't know for sure, but I doubt it. In their hayday, I liked the cute videos from early on, and I don't want to give the impression that I didn't.

Obviously if I was watching from the start there was something I liked about those videos (even if I forget it myself at times). In all truth, "The Danielbeast," "Proving Science Wrong!" and "Daniel The Neanderthal" remain some of my favorite videos, but once the characters' situations became something serious, I felt it was time for the characters to become serious (and in that respect, I remain very unapologetic for my harsh crticism of Bree throughout the motel episodes).
Kimmy wrote:None of them have any interest any longer, as it has lost any connection to their world.
I think the series may have survived even after the outing without the darker elements, as comedy (when done well) is always appealing, but I have to wonder what this connection is that fictional 16-year-old Bree's videos had to their world. Could you elaborate on that a bit? I'd like to know which videos in particular they felt they could relate to. Or are we not talking about the comedy videos?

I'm asking partly because I don't see what those had that the average college-age individual (or anyone for that matter) would have necessarily felt they could relate to (as a college-age person myself, I don't find anything in them that speaks to me personally; I just see something funny and entertaining), but I can see why videos like "Boy Problems..." and "I Probably Shouldn't Post This..." might have. However, those were melodramatic themselves (granted, it was in a completely different form, but it was still soap operatic).

So is the issue maybe that the kind of melodrama at work was no longer something to which they could relate? Almost all of us can associate with boyfriend/girlfriend troubles, or religious issues, or strict parents. Even if it's because it applies better to a friend than it does to us, most of us personally know that kind of melodrama, whereas we don't know the kind where guys in suits are chasing us, or we're being coerced into some kind of ceremony.
Kimmy wrote:Keeping harder core fans is certainly important, but the loss of casual watchers, who found Bree and her life appealing shouldn't be dismissed so lightly if the creators want to gain funding.
There's another question to consider: have the casual viewers gone away, and who are they? Each video continues to get hundreds of thousands of views on YouTube, yet only a few hundred people ever comment between that site and this one. Apparently there are still many people watching who aren't hardcore fans, so what is it that continues to draw those people to watch, and are they displeased with the changes in the series?
Kimmy wrote:I'm hanging on by a thread, hoping some of the charm will be retained and it won't just devolve into another endless (and at my age repetitious) mystery series.
Don't worry. Many of us are right there with you in the hope that it won't be endless. There's actually been quite a bit of discussion on that. Some people have expressed that they don't ever want LG15 to end, but others (I for one) feel that stories that matter have endings.
Kimmy wrote:Dark mysterious religious cults are easy. Blood, religious orders secretly carrying out mysterious rites, inheritance surprise: it's not only all over the internet, it's been the plot of hundreds of books and many movies. (Da Vinci Code comes to mind...). The unusual aspect of this project was Bree, her personality, humour and the lightness of the creator's touch. Anyone can do melodrama. Comedy is hard.
You're right that those kinds of things have been done many times, but there's also lots of vlogs where people goof off too. Certainly not all of them do as good of a job as Bree did early on, but it's out there (extensively). Likewise, there's vlogs where presumably non-fictional people are talking about various bits of drama in their lives that many of us could relate to.

I don't think the premise involved could have been all that unique regardless of what approach they took (the vlogs being a production was really the angle most people - particularly in the media - saw as unique anyway, I think). Entirely fresh approaches are rare, if not non-existent. Mostly it's a matter of who can do the familiar ones the best, or spin the most interesting take on them. That's not to say the decision they made was necessarily the best one (I like it, but I can't say it was the best possible choice without knowing what other results would have been), but it was obviously the one they wanted to make.

Let me clarify that (and the part of my previous post you quoted). When I said that they were trying to please those who liked the cute videos and those of us who wanted darker elements, I mean that with regard to after the Creators had already begun to take it down a dark path. The decision to go in that direction was entirely theirs, really.

After all, it was their choice to include the picture of Aleister Crowley while making vague allusions to Bree's religion (which Daniel seemed not all that crazy about), and also their decision to bring in a religious ceremony (which sounded kind of shady all along) - all at a time before LG15 had been outed as a production. It was before we even knew we could have an effect on things. In other words, I think the Creators wanted to take it somewhere more serious all along, but became hesitant once they started sending it in that direction (due to the lighthearted videos really being what got the thing off the ground and what most people had come to expect).

Once they committed to making what could have been an innocent ceremony - and a secretive but benevolent religion - something sinister (by having Gemma come along and throw out ominous advice, and especially by having Bree's parents be taken away), many of us naturally felt it was time for Bree and the series' tone to become as serious as the situation. At that point, Bree playing games seemed really out of place. It would be like making a musical out of Se7en. Stuff just doesn't work like that.

I'm sure most of us would have gone right along being happy with LG15 had it remained lighthearted stuff with an occasional bit of melodrama along the lines we'd gotten used to before the outing. But, really, once it become a serious matter, a focus on comedy videos just wouldn't have felt it right. Other ways of including comedy (like Jonas' nicknames for Daniel, or Daniel's attempt to cheer Bree up using P. Monkey) had to be considered. The old ways not only felt counterfeit, but they were also annoying and made Bree annoying (not to mention a callous jerk).
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Post by Klaatu »

Last edited by Klaatu on Sun Feb 18, 2007 9:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Gort! Klaatu. Barada nikto

Post by Lurker »

Klaatu wrote:nevermind
Okay. I'll remove what you had before from my post too.
Last edited by Lurker on Sun Feb 18, 2007 10:07 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Post by hahacool »

I think that information tachyon has dug up on the order will be on the disc. It's been said she knew lots about the order. I think that theres probably a lot of stuff on it that could help Bree conqure the order. I'm not sure why she'd have to wait though.
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