as for the stuff on the side the screen shot was taken before he added the 2 new posts! I tried change font size in the browser. Im also using ie.
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That's cause my religion celebrates Samhain each year. That's my blog. It's kinda like new years eve...for pagans. Except with an emphasis on acknowledging those who have passed as one of the themes.wintermute wrote:Ironically, that page mentions Samhain, which comes from ancient Ireland. I also mentioned Samhain at one point (though not by name) kinda off the cuff. Not that it has anything to do with anything... Just one of those interesting coincidences.morrighana wrote:You be the judge: http://morrighanasbroomcloset.blogspot.com
Edit: for spelling
That's been discussed to death already, and apparently dismissed by YTcassie.christie wrote:what if cassie was a figment of bree's immagination and bree was cassie all along?
ClueMeIn wrote:Mind posting a link to the actual blog? Thanks.kittygrl010101 wrote:
as for the stuff on the side the screen shot was taken before he added the 2 new posts! I tried change font size in the browser. Im also using ie.
my guess would be how although i guess there could be some ways to interpret it as a "where"Kelrast wrote:It seems to me that the six pictures in the image file may correspond with the six questions we are to answer:
Mirror - Who? - Us
Priest - What? - The Evil Priest
Birth - When? - Crowleymas
Frank's blog is one of the pictures. But does it correspond to Where? (moving counterclockwise) or How? (moving back to the top of the second column)?