so i came across this and i'm not sure if it has plot significance but i thought it was really interesting.
Jonah in Niniveh and Cassandra in Troy present an interesting symmetrical contrast. Jonah's warning of destruction is believed, and therefore does not come true. Cassandra's warning of destruction is not believed, and comes true.
That was the weirdest display of geekdom that I have ever seen in my entire life.
Okay, so the following musing is crazy, but I still posted it:
Maybe... that means the ceremony won't be as bad as thought before? Because Jonas doens't like it at all... but in her last two videos Cassie has supported it, and I definitly don't believe that it will be good. But that's not really a warning of disaster, on second thought... hmm. Nevermind! But I'll keep my eyes peeled.
OMG that's awesome! And totally believable. Because no one was aware that anything would happen to Cassie, and then she disappeared. And now every suspects that Jonas is the next to be captured by the Order like Daniel, but maybe this means he WONT be, and nothing bad will happen to him.... Yay!
HoorayForMeImMakingOut wrote:OMG that's awesome! And totally believable. Because no one was aware that anything would happen to Cassie, and then she disappeared. And now every suspects that Jonas is the next to be captured by the Order like Daniel, but maybe this means he WONT be, and nothing bad will happen to him.... Yay!
OH MY GOD YES! That's so awesome! I hope you're right, and you just might be!
(huh... this reminds me of the speculation based on little pieces of research like this that we were doing right before the fake ceremony)
... but in her last two videos Cassie has supported it
just a note, itscassie is not canon.
OMG that's awesome! And totally believable. Because no one was aware that anything would happen to Cassie, and then she disappeared. And now every suspects that Jonas is the next to be captured by the Order like Daniel, but maybe this means he WONT be, and nothing bad will happen to him.... Yay!
i did not think of that, but that is awesome! i would hate it if oppy got jonas!
That was the weirdest display of geekdom that I have ever seen in my entire life.
Magesa wrote:
but in her last two videos Cassie has supported it
(not saying itscassie is canon but)
didnt you notice the sign language? in the first one she signed "gun at head" nad in hte second she signed 'lie' so she was being forced
"whatever happened to that girl cassie?"
-Lonelygirl15 (Bree)