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Post by Kasdeja »

Clearly...or is it...maybe it's locked. All the doors in my house have locks...aaaanyway, I'm out because of the weather. Later taters
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Post by nobackspacebutton »

Kasdeja wrote:Clearly...or is it...maybe it's locked. All the doors in my house have locks...aaaanyway, I'm out because of the weather. Later taters

drive safe!
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Post by cosmicdancer »

Lurker wrote:
Kasdeja wrote:Well, there has to be a reason there are rooms nobody is allowed to enter in his house...
Probably the same reason parents of deceased children often don't want people going into their kids' rooms. It's just something sacred that they don't want anyone else to touch.
Yeah I was thinking that might be it too, but I do think there could be some leads in there. I mean the whole "disappearing at sea" thing seems sort of unlikely in this day and age with the technology we have. Maybe his parents were somehow involved in the Order, or the anti Order. And he doesn't even know it!
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Post by cosmicdancer »

I want a snow day D:
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Post by PinkoLady »

I doubt Tach would leave them there all vulnerable without taking advantage of the situation somehow I'm sure she has something set up/planned.
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Post by impulse »

Kasdeja wrote:Totally wouldn't be suprised...I wonder if we'll get a video of Op storming jonas' house via tachy surveillance...

that would be intense! :D
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Post by longlostposter »

impulse wrote:
Kasdeja wrote:Totally wouldn't be suprised...I wonder if we'll get a video of Op storming jonas' house via tachy surveillance...

that would be intense! :D
That would be awwwwwwsssome!
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Post by lejaders »

remember how when bree and jonas went in search of cowboy it was a really long drive for them? perhaps jonas lives in a pretty remote area and the bowling alley is not so close to jonas' house either?
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Post by kayokosaeki »

maybe jonas's house has a moat around it....with crocodiles....so they're safe
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Post by itsreallyreal »

kayokosaeki wrote:maybe jonas's house has a moat around it....with crocodiles....so they're safe
I think this is the most realistic theory yet! :lol: :wink:

Aside from the idea they may haev an invisible cloacking device!!! :shock:
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Post by Seryndipity »

I am confused as to how Op would know where they live... It isn't as though they could really follow the helicopter and find out where they are, and they haven't been able to find out otherwise... but then again, who is to say they have tried. If Jonas is infact working with them, then they would know where they are, and maybe they knew about the plan to rescue DB and "let" them get away. There is a saying I have heard somewhere, the safest place to hide something is in plain sight.
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Post by Absynth »

it wouldnt have been to hard to place a small tracking device on daniel before he left. if i was exchanging hostages with my sworn enemy, i would do that so i can see where my enemy takes the hostage after the exchange
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Post by Avajoy »

longlostposter wrote:Something more has got to be up...Tahyon spent the WEEKEND? If that's true, apparently Tach feels secure there too!

Also, Jonahs' invite out of nowhere?

I think Jonas must be connected somehow with a 'resistance' type of organization. Hell, he might be working with Tachyon and Brother. Or maybe he has the stolen things the Order is missing.

If Tach feels safe at Jonas', then there is a reason.
I hope you're right, for their sakes. I definitely think there's something up with Jonas, and we're about to find out what it is, very soon.
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Post by Seryndipity »

Jonas does seem a bit too simple. I know there are people that are willing to help others out of the good of their hearts, but everything seems too convienent for him... huge house, middle of no where, no parents, seems almost too eager to help...

Maybe it is just me, but I would start wondering more about him and seeing if we can't find out more about him somehow... maybe have DB distract him with foosball while Bree does some searching?

Post by Lurker »

Seryndipity wrote:Jonas does seem a bit too simple. I know there are people that are willing to help others out of the good of their hearts, but everything seems too convienent for him... huge house, middle of no where, no parents, seems almost too eager to help...
I was suspicious of him for those reasons a while back too, but I think he's proven himself by now.
Seryndipity wrote:Maybe it is just me, but I would start wondering more about him and seeing if we can't find out more about him somehow... maybe have DB distract him with foosball while Bree does some searching?
That's one of the reasons why I think Jonas has proven himself. Daniel and Bree have had ample opportunity to search his place (he even left them alone for hours) to look around his place. If he had something to hide, I don't think he would be doing that.
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