Well, I just duplicated a lot of effort here. Unfortunately I was apparently compiling this list while you guys were too -- I just took longer and didn't realize that curriguy was doing it.
While, these lists look good, my list includes some things that the others don't so I'll go ahead and post it.
tags - list of tags associated with the video
irrelevant - tags that were included but not in reference to anything in that particular video.
missing - things that were referenced in the video but not included in the tags
note - observations about the video, tags, recurring themes, etc.
So, here goes:
1: First Blog / Dorkiness Prevails
tags: paytotheorderofofof2, thewinekone, dorky, funny, girl, hamster, blog, first, duh, tongue, faces, silly, weird, lg15
irrelevant: hamster
note: the tag "hamster" occurs 5 times and all are irrelevant
2: Purple Monkey
tags: purple, monkey, blog, vlog, funny, comedy, humor, daniel, lg15
irrelevant: [none]
3: School Work in Summer... BLECHH!!!
tags: homeschool, girl, daniel, work, walruses, antarctica, pluto, romans, cannibalism, weird, silly, dork, lg15
irrelevant: walruses
4: The Danielbeast
tags: daniel, beast, australia, safari, animal, girl, silly, pirana, trick, funny, humor, joke, lg15
irrelevant: pirana
5: Grillz feat. Danielbeast, LG15, P. Monkey, and O'n.
tags: nelly, music, video, owen, purple, monkey, lg15, danielbeast, daniel, funny, snl, lazy, sunday, comedy, hamster, humor, rap, hip, hop
irrelevant: hamster
6: My Parents Suck...
tags: LG15, danielbeast, daniel, sad, cry, parents, suck, fourth, july, 4th, lame, dork, weird, hiking
irrelevant: [none]
note: first capitalized occurance of LG15
7: Daniel Returns, and More Interesting Factoids (Yay!)
tags: LG15, danielbeast, daniel, room, decorate, dance, funny, stupid, feynman, einstein, newton, turtle, ant, physics, teach, hamster, dude
irrelevant: hamster
noticably missing: hawking
8: Proving Science Wrong!
tags: LG15, danielbeast, bree, daniel, science, evolution, quantum, mechanics, brian, greene, string, theory, puppy, staring, contest, stare
irrelevant: evolution, puppy
note: brian greene is a renowned physicist and string theorist; evolution
wasn't mentioned
9: My Parents... Let Us Go Hiking!!!
tags: LG15, Lonelygirl15, Bree, Daniel, Danielbeast, hiking, parents, suck, water, outdoors, genghiskhan, squirrel, fierce
irrelevant: genghiskhan, squirrel, fierce
10: Boy Problems...
tags: LG15, Danielbeast, daniel, sad, problem, weird, like, love, girl, guy, hiking, parents, mad
irrelevant: [none]
11: He Said, She Said
tags: LG15, daniel, danielbeast, happy, relationship, fun, phone, call, girl, boy, turtle, hamster
irrelevant: hamster
note: "turtle" may be a reference to Owen?
12: My Lazy Eye (and P. Monkey gets Funky!)
tags: LG15, lonelygirl15, daniel, danielbeast, purple, monkey, funny, lame, hamster, silly, boa, feather, lazy, eye, parents, problem
irrelevant: hamster
13: Proving Science Wrong... with Lonelybeast and Danielgirl15
tags: LG15, danielbeast, daniel, lonelygirl15, spoof, funny, humor, platypus, silly, weird, mauf, pink, boa, dance
irrelevant: platypus
missing: coriolis effect
note: mauf is a band (
http://www.myspace.com/mauf); nothing was "proven" wrong
in his episode
14: The Tolstoy Principle (and Dad "talks" to Daniel)
tags: LG15, lonelygirl15, daniel, danielbeast, tolstoy, jared, diamond, bree, lame, pelican, science, wrong, dude, uhh, yeah, dad, parents
irrelevant: pelican
15: Daniel The Neanderthal
tags: LG15, lonelygirl15, daniel, danielbeast, fish, proving, science, wrong, monkey, ape, man, evolution, neaderthal, silly, aphid, nuts
irrelevant: aphid
note: the tag "aphid" occurs 2 times, both are irrelevant; aphids are a type
of insect with 4,000 unique species
16: What Did Daniel and Dad Talk About?
tags: LG15, lonelygirl15, daniel, danielbeast, purple, monkey, dad, bree, funny, silly, penguin, annoying, bug, hang, glider
irrelevant: penguin, bug
missing: teddy
note: crowley picture close-up; possible to view her camera in mirror; showed 4th wall/window;
17: Me, Religion, and Daniel :(
tags: LG15, lonelygirl15, daniel, danielbeast, religion, freedom, parents, camp, bree, lame, peanuts
irrelevant: peanuts
18: I Probably Shouldn't Post This...
tags: LG15, lonelygirl15, daniel, danielbeast, fight, parents, religion, llama, argue, mad, girl, weird, bree, chipmunk
irrelevant: llama, chipmunk
19: Mysteries of My Past... REVEALED!
tags: LG15, lonelygirl15, danielbeast, daniel, travel, australia, new, zealand, england, nottinghamshire, tuck, friar, weird, suck, lame
irrelevant: [none]
20: A Peace Offering (and P. Monkey Boogies)
tags: LG15, lonelygirl15, daniel, danielbeast, purple, monkey, dance, funny, peace, offering, native, american, weird, kiwi, odd
irrelevant: kiwi
missing: olive, branch
21: I'm Really, Really, Really Excited!
tags: LG15, lonelygirl15, daniel, danielbeast, excited, happy, play, summer, camp, dad, weird, aphid, silly
irrelevant: aphid
22: Swimming!
tags: LG15, lonelygirl15, daniel, danielbeast, safari, hat, swim, water, river, hike, langosta, mercury, phylum
irrelevant: langosta, mercury, phylum
missing: skeeter, hunting, cannibalism
note: "langosta" is spanish for "lobster"; bree references cannibalism for the second time in the series; i'm not sure how "skeeter" is spelled
23: Bree The Cookie Monster
tags: LG15, lonelygirl15, daniel, danielbeast, cookies, bake, contest, peanut, butter, purple, monkey, ocelot
irrelevant: ocelot
note: the ocelot is a wild cat related to leopards located in south and central america
24: A Change In My Life
tags: LG15, lonelygirl15, religion, ceremony, bar, mitzvah, confirmation, parents, honor, lepton
irrelevant: lepton
note: leptons are particles that don't experience strong nuclear force
25: Poor Pluto
tags: LG15, lonelygirl15, pluto, planet, orbit, galaxy, school, home, mean, teacher, cephalopod
irrelevant: cephalopod
note: cephalopods are a class of mollusks; this tag has been linked by some to the Cthulhu mythos
26: Should I Or Shouldn't I?
tags: LG15, lonelygirl15, daniel, danielbeast, party, dad, mom, go, ceremony, practice, sable
irrelevant: sable
note: a sable is a small mammal located in asia
27: I'm Going to the Party!
tags: LG15, lonelygirl15, daniel, danielbeast, party, dad, mom, going, campylobacter, tree, climb
irrelevant: campylobacter
note: campylobacter is a bacteria which can cause a variety of illnesses
28: House Arrest
tags: LG15, lonelygirl15, daniel, danielbeast, dad, grounded, house, arrest, lemons, lemonade, sad
irrelevant: [none]
29: In The Park
tags: LG15, lonelygirl15, daniel, danielbeast, park, bowling, trees, dark, fun, aye-aye
irrelevant: aye-aye
note: the aye-aye is a primate located in madagascar
Other Info
All tags that I thought were "missing":
All tags that were irrelevant (sorted, and duplicates removed):
All tags that occur multiple times:
aphid (2 times)
hamster (5 times)
Please let me know if I've missed anything or have made any errors.
EDIT: removed "safari" from irrelevant tags for #4. Thanks for catching that, curriguy.