I Talked to Lonelygirl15

The girl we know and love

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Post by sparrow »

lordgreystoke422 wrote:
twjaniak wrote:If one of her video replies ever mentions one of my video replies, I think I will, well... maybe do a happy dance? ;)
Will you be really, really, really, really, really, really, really,really, really, really, really, really, really, really,really, really, really, really, really, really, really,really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really excited?

Edit: you forgot to capitalize the last REALLY. :-P
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Bree said something to me too Spacie

Post by Mileenasman »

Here's the message Bree and me exchanged.

From: lonelygirl15
Videos (37) | Favorites (35) | Friends (9272)

Sent: October 01, 2006, 10:56 AM
Subject: I appologize.
Message: Thanks :) I really do appreciate the support from everyone. It's been such a difficult time lately & to have Daniel (who i thought was my best friend) not support me has been really sad. So anyway, thanks!

Mileenasman wrote:

> Hey, Bree, I just saw your new video blog post and I just want to say I'm sorry for everything that Daniel has done to you. It is unexcusable. He should have realized that Fall Equonox Festival was important to you. He should have also realised that you are close to your parents. I give you might heart felt appology for his mistakes, and I hope you know that not all men are complete idiots.
I would use my midway account's signature, but I would just gross you out and get banned.
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Post by WTFROFLcopter »

I smell fish in this. In the first two "messages," Bree decides to reply to messages sent to her without using much indicated enthusiasm or capitalization. On top of this, the messages are quick and bland. In the new message posted by Mileenasman, a reply is made with wonderful writing mechanics. This message is also much more interesting to read as it's not just a "ya we rnt frends ne moer" thing.

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Post by pesbs »

Does anybody in this forum knows Bree (lonelygirl15)'s email?
Pablo Rivera
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