In "Miss Me?" Daniel impressed the heck out of me. He was able to act, be himself and bring a whole new perspective on DB. That is the way a director and the actor should work. It was totally in sync.
The latest Video "The Human Ransom" TOTALLY took the cake though. The editing is AMAZING!!! It was such a fresh turn for the series, and a great way of blending OpAphid, Tachyon and the LG cast together. I am still dumbfounded. I think I have watched this video about 50 times, and it is still as good as the first time i watched it lol.
Either way, I just wanted to give the Creators some props for all of their hard work, and an extra thank you for bringing Glenn onto the Team. Excellent job everyone!
Edit: I am so fascinated with the latest videos that I decided to do a bit of research. (Call me a fangirl i guess lol) BUT...After a bit of research I have spoke to Glenn online and have confirmed that he actually is the creator of the OpAphid/Tachyon ARG. I guess the pieces are finally falling together

Second Edit: ... Rubenstein Just incase you would like to check it out