[Puzzle] The Picture 10/02/06

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Post by bellamax »

Luv2Luvem wrote:
ravensgrace wrote:
(Trivia: anyone know how rare it is to birth naturally after having a c-section?)
Hmm, I always heard that it's never done...shows what I know. :)

i've read and have seen on tv shows that it depends on the type of c-section and the reason for the c-section. i dunno.. not positive about it, just figured i'd throw it out there.
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Post by randomtrickpony »

ravensgrace wrote:
Nos wrote:For the people against the 'baby' solve:

I've had two kids. Both were born with thick, full heads of hair. Not all birth is bloody. Mine we're both emergency c-sections, but I watched an AWFUL lot of birthing videos, and yes, even attended the birth of a friends child, so I've seen it in person. That is, in fact, a crowning baby.
Agree 100%, again, Nos. You're on a roll! ;)

My wife has birthed 4 children, 3 naturally, 1 c-section. I saw this first-hand only a year ago when our baby girl, Autumn, was born. 8)

(Trivia: anyone know how rare it is to birth naturally after having a c-section?)
Exceedingly difficult to do so. My best friend had a C-section on her first (complications). Then her second (complications as well). Being female and of child-bearing age myself...I researched it back then. After a first C-section, if you exercise quite a bit, you may be able to have a natural birth, but it is extremely risky. After a second C-section, normally the muscle is too scarred for natural pushing, and natural birth is not an option. Normally women who get C-sections can only have three more babies due to scarring before it makes it too difficult to do another such operation (unless you have a really good doctor)

And I was born with a complete head of black hair, my mom has pictures to prove it. It all fell out when I was three days old, and I grew in the start of the blond stuff you see on my head today.

Ya...I'm a blond. I have many blond moments...sue me.
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Post by rachelalexis »

randomtrickpony wrote: And I was born with a complete head of black hair, my mom has pictures to prove it. It all fell out when I was three days old, and I grew in the start of the blond stuff you see on my head today.

Ya...I'm a blond. I have many blond moments...sue me.
Same thing happened with my sister. Except she was born with red hair. Apparently it took two years before she had a decent amount of hair (yeah, she was a baldie for a while there.) And yes, she is a blonde. I would say it's blondes that are wierd, but I'm blonde and came out smooth as a cue ball.
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Post by randomtrickpony »

To COMPLETELY put the whole hair thing to rest...here you go: (no pictures, I promise)

http://www.babycenter.com/refcap/baby/b ... bs/85.html

http://www.babycenter.com/refcap/178.html#2 - click on the hair link
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Post by ravensgrace »

Sfonzarelli wrote:
bubbajay424 wrote:
Sfonzarelli wrote: Hm.. not only did she blur his face, which would have been enough, but she also black boxed his eyes and mouth. See no evil, hear no evil?
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Post by ëleison »

its called a VBAC (vag birth after ces) and its become a lot more common. "By 1997, the incidence of VBAC rose steadily to 27.4%. Despite this dramatic increase in VBACs, the total US cesarean delivery rate rose to only 20.8%"

from JAMA http://jama.ama-assn.org/cgi/content/full/287/20/2627
but you have to have a log in to see the whole thing. grr

only thing ive been able to add all day because of work, so very bummed out.
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Post by Luv2Luvem »

ëleison wrote:ot:
its called a VBAC (vag birth after ces) and its become a lot more common. "By 1997, the incidence of VBAC rose steadily to 27.4%. Despite this dramatic increase in VBACs, the total US cesarean delivery rate rose to only 20.8%"

from JAMA http://jama.ama-assn.org/cgi/content/full/287/20/2627
but you have to have a log in to see the whole thing. grr

only thing ive been able to add all day because of work, so very bummed out.
I appreciate it...I was waiting for that tidbit :D

EDIT: I's going to sleep, I'm sure when I get up there'll be 150 pages for me to catch up on :D Happy solving!
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Post by toadlguy »

ravensgrace wrote:
Sfonzarelli wrote:Middle left:
A picture of Jorge Cardinal Medina-Estevez. (Look it up on Wikipedia) Someone said the name of the book he's holding, but I forget.
Anyone find a link to this photo to match up?

near the bottom

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Post by Nos »

Since we're on a weird topic about c-sections...

I live in a very small town with a very small hosptial. The rules for VBAC are apparently that the hosptial preforming the birth must have a surgical team that can be assembled in less than 3 mintues, and access to blood for tranfusions. So, my hosptial doesn't qualify. Anyhow, I found out later that I could never have had a natural delivery anyway; I have a birth defect that comes from being a vanished twin, and have two uterii. Apparently I shouldn't have even been able to get pregnant at all. heh.

And yeah, the 'only three' rule applies here too. If I could have another, if would be last.


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Post by DeepBlueRug »

I hate to bring this up, but I believe that the birthing photo could be eluding to a Rosemary's baby type scenerio. Now, I know I'm not the only person who has thought this, but I just put it together with the *person who will not be named*. I never realized that Roman Polanski directed Rosemary's baby.

Anyway, with a new Helter Skelter reference, I thought it was worth mentioning.
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Post by DontHaveAClue »

Cassie IS Bree's intra-utero speaking baby. Hence the whispering voice.... Due date on the 12th ! it all makes sense ! :shock:

ok, i'm leaving this thread.

(running away) :arrow:
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Post by ClueMeIn »

Hello. I've been lurking in this forum for a while.

Just wanted to point out that the image of the cardinal could be a WHEN. Notice the date of Oct 2 in the article heading above the image of the cardinal.


Although "birth" also works as a WHEN in relation to the 12th.

Hope this helps.

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Post by vertigo »

Good god, that picture was not the first thing I wanted to see in the morning...........
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Post by curriguy »

Krishna, a God from Hinduism, is famously portrayed in paintings with blue skin.

of course, I have no idea why he'd be holding a golden chalice...but I'll see if there are any famous paintings with that happening
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Post by Jengels2002 »

What is the latest and greatest theory regarding the picture???
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