Did Bree tell Jonas her plan?

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Did Bree tell Jonas her plan?

Post by JustAnotherLonelyGirl. »

I think Jonas may not have known. For one thing, in "Storm the Castle" he seems truly upset by Bree's decision to go through with the ceremony. And he asks in the beginning of this episode, "Are you sure you're ready for this?" While this could be referring to "this escape plan," Bree answers with "Daniel saved my life, it's the least I can do" then "Take care of him, okay?" Which implies that she would be leaving, thus continuing to lie about what she really planned? Also, Jonas is farther behind than Daniel and Bree. Assuming Bree whispered to Daniel a warning, he would have been less surprised by the flashbomb, or maybe he was still blindfolded. But Jonas may have been affected by it, which caused him to fall a bit behind. The most convincing evidence behind this theory is that Jonas was asking Bree questions. Daniel seemed really dazed, and Bree was fighting to hold him up, while she was yelling at Jonas to just trust her and keep moving. He seemed totally confused... which leads me to believe that he had no information prior to the incident.

Any thoughts?

(Also, for a long time I've been convinced that Jonas has had a connection to Tachyon.. now I'm not so sure. Unless he's playing dumb because he still doesn't want Bree and Daniel to know...)
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Post by Magesa »

Oh, that makes a TON of sense (also why he doubts that Brother really is waiting for them in a helicopter, which explains why he said, "It's not really, Brother, is it?")

The part about him hiding contact with Tachyon is really odd... why would he do that? I don't know why but that made me shiver.

Then again, he doesn't seem too confused, or even too worried at the beginning... I don't know, I can really see it going either way.
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Post by Krielok »

What I was wondering is how Bree was in that elevator when the flash bomb went off, and she had no problem running out of the elevator (no disorientation). Sure she could have covered her eyes or something. And the sunglasses they were wearing probably wouldn't stop it from bothering them. For some reason something doesn't seem right though.

With that, if Jonas didn't know the plan, he might have questioned who the girl is that threw the bomb into the elevator was. Unless she was very well hid.

Just some random thoughts. Sorry if it taints the subject. :)

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Post by Magesa »

Krielok wrote:What I was wondering is how Bree was in that elevator when the flash bomb went off, and she had no problem running out of the elevator (no disorientation). Sure she could have covered her eyes or something. And the sunglasses they were wearing probably wouldn't stop it from bothering them. For some reason something doesn't seem right though.

With that, if Jonas didn't know the plan, he might have questioned who the girl is that threw the bomb into the elevator was. Unless she was very well hid.

Just some random thoughts. Sorry if it taints the subject. :)

- K
No, it doesn't "taint the subject"!

Bree knew that the bomb would go off. She knew to get out as soon as possible. Also, Lucy recovered soon after she did. And she could have yelled "Daniel, Daniel run!" while she was still too disoriented to run herself, but knew to get Daniel running (he was probably shocked and might have done something stupid). That's the best I can come up with.
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Post by Krielok »

By tainting I mean my random ramblings. I tend to do that. I agree with you there.
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Post by Magesa »

Krielok wrote:By tainting I mean my random ramblings. I tend to do that. I agree with you there.
I do random ramblings too. The only reason I sound intelligent is because I have basically spent every spare second these past couple days (and a lot of seconds that I made spare, even though they weren't) reading the forums, so by now I've seen all these theories about three times each. :oops:
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Post by krmurr87 »

I think that the fact that he knew about Brother means he knew about it ahead of time

I can't see bree running towards their escape and being like "oh by the way theres this guy Brother on the roof waiting for us"

He must have known ahead of time who was waiting
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Post by Joel »

yeah i think jonas had an idea at least... otherwise he'd be asking a whole lot more questions.
When bree says "If she says we can trust him we can trust him", he doesn't ask "who's SHE", so i'm fairly sure he knew kinda what was going on.
What the frick is going on.
Last time I checked here everyone was babbling about cassieiswatching.
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Post by Killthesmiley »

Jonas had to be in on it...
it just would make sense for him not to be. Plus, if he didn't know it would have left room for mistakes and accidents.

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Post by Sun Tzu »

i think he knew about it.

call me crazy, but i got a feeling that Jonas posted that vid to throw them off. after all, didn't Bree feign surrender as well? :wink:
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Post by Kasdeja »

I think he knew something was going down, but I don't think he knew all the details. He seemed a bit suprised.
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Post by itsreallyreal »

I think he knew too...

Also.. Looking at how close they were to them when they were on the way out the rof... I think Jonas may be in their hands now... :?

Actually... I think what Jonas said was, "He isn't really your brother is he?" VERY big difference... I think he got briefed on the long drive from Ukiah to LA...
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Post by Kasdeja »

I have to agree with IRR on what he heard Jonas say.
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Post by colbertnationgirl »

i agree, jonas was in the dark. but why would bree not tell him? is there a reason she can't trust him?
That was the weirdest display of geekdom that I have ever seen in my entire life.
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Post by itsreallyreal »

No I think she told him... I just think that in the heat of the moment Jonas was a little sketchy that they had put all this trust in a guy named brother... That's all...
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