0130-"The Human Ransom" [2/10/2007]

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Post by lostgamer »

in just this short amount of time we have rased this thread to like 5th most pages in video secshon in a cople days it will be the most
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Post by trainer101 »

lostgamer wrote:in just this short amount of time we have rased this thread to like 5th most pages in video secshon in a cople days it will be the most
I guess the vid was a hit. :)
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Post by ahyeah57 »

Wow....This is my first post.....but wow that video was so freakin' awesome! I was jumping and screaming when the music came on.... It rocked!
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Post by Chartreuse »

Re: the Tachyon song... that's just a remix... all of the Gemma videos (minus number four) as well as this are just remixes.

What I'm trying to find is the ENTIRE song WITH the lyrics.
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Post by ladyoftheforest »

kellylen wrote:oh and I asked my friend who lives in LA about the building and this is what she said
[16:58] EvaZlokovic[a]> I think it might be the Flynt Publications building on La Cienega and Wilshire in Beverly Hills
[16:58] EvaZlokovic[a]> but im not 100% certain
[16:58] EvaZlokovic[a]> why?
i dont know if that helps any or if we figured out which building it is

I don't think that's it.
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Post by shirble »

Also, if you guys were interested, the badass bearded guy in the elevator with the rest of The Order is apparently Miles' dad. Go figure.
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Post by Inigo »

shirble wrote:Also, if you guys were interested, the badass bearded guy in the elevator with the rest of The Order is apparently Miles' dad. Go figure.
Were did you hear that? He looks too young to be his dad... besides he looks more like a biker or something.
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Post by bethy »

At one point I believe that Tachyon told someone in the ARG that her theme song was written for her.
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Post by erolyn »


she's SO my favorite. I knew she'd save them.

i was so happy when her music started. mwahaha. :)
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Post by cosmicdancer »

betz28 wrote:
mcorneli wrote:Oh man, best video EVAR. I think I bored my boyfiend to death trying to explain the whole story and why I was so excited.
:smt026 :smt026 :smt026
tell me about it ~ they just don't get it do they?
Seriously! I was excited when I saw this video the first (or 3) times and tried to explain it to my boyfriend also, who said I could show him the video but he doesn't follow the series at all. I know he wouldn't be excited about it like I was. He'd probably look at me funny.

So glad I started posting here haha. Ah, like minds!
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Post by Magesa »

robtommorrow wrote:I do think it was pretty good though, well done, interesting juxtaposition/merging of the LG15 and OpAphid/Tachyon story lines. But it must be confusing as hell to the people who took the creators at there word that they wouldn't have to follow OpAphid to understand the story.
I think you're right -- that this must have been confusing to people who don't follow the ARG (which is becoming not so "alternate" reality). However, as you said, they did a very good job merging this, and I think that it was, overall, a good move on the Creator's part.

I never followed the early ARG vids, but as time has gone on, they have become more and more relavent to the central story and also, I think, easier to understand. Now I watch Tachyon or OpAphid and with a little help from the forums I actually understand it.

I won't deny that joining the forums has REALLY helped. That was what really opened my eyes to all of the plot hidden in the ARG. I feel up to date now, and despite what the creators say, it REALLY helps the story to follow the ARG and the forums. But posting and reading all of this stuff can also take a very long time, which most people don't have. (I don't either -- I just pretend I do, and procrastinate.)

This story was going pretty slow. It needed something to speed it up. Who better than Tachyon, who we already know and has such a rich history and character? Tachyon is becoming easier to understand. I think people can catch up. The Order has always been a puzzle to solve -- its time to use all the clues. This series has been headed in this direction for a long time.

And the creator's decision to put Tachyon into the storyline certainly made a lot of people happy! Including me! :D
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Post by islandlove »

did anyone figure out what she said to daniel?
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Post by HenrySugar »

islandlove wrote:did anyone figure out what she said to daniel?
I think she said, "Run to the rooftop. There's pizza and ice cream."
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Post by Tabb »

This is my first post so I'll keep it short. I managed to get the Tachyon theme song onto my myspace if anyone wants the code.
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Post by islandlove »

HenrySugar wrote:
islandlove wrote:did anyone figure out what she said to daniel?
I think she said, "Run to the rooftop. There's pizza and ice cream."

haha and spinart!
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