Sheqinah wrote:I have one more thought on the helicopter.
Before we thought the helicopters were part of the order, not tachyon. But it could just be a hijacked OpAphid helicopter too.
Does Tachyon have resources that I am not aware of?
Isn't she an ex order girl, set to destroy them? Is she a double agent? Maybe someone can fill in the blanks for me on her story.
Who knows exactly what resources Tachyon has? She's always surprising a lot of us.
I guess you could call Tachyon an ex-Order girl.

She betrayed the Order a few months ago (pilfering certain items which were supposedly left in drops) and has been moving about, seemingly helping Bree, while keeping in contact with Brother (her agent partner).
Someone tell me if I'm giving false information or feel free to elaborate as I don't follow the ARG very closely. Have you watched the Tachyon/Brother videos yet, Sheqinah? That might be a good place to start. The OpA section of the Forum has great summations of what's happened so far. Or, if you feel like "researching," check out
LGPedia or
AphidPedia. They're very helpful tools as well.

We're working on summaries of the LG15 story complete with the need-to-know/imperative information. Hopefully some form of newbie or refresher course area should be up soon.
EDIT: to fix a link