What is a Fan Video?
A Fan Video is a video that has been created as entertainment, or as reply to one or all of lonelygirl15's videos. Some of these replies are attempts by performers to actually become part of the story!
Cool! Where do I see these Fan Videos?
The Fan Videos are along the right-hand side of the video page at A Tribute to Lonelygirl15. There are also arrow buttons above and below them that allow you to scroll through the videos.
Awesome! How can I get my video on there?
This is an easy process, but there are a couple of steps.
First, in order to contribute a Fan Video, you will need an account with a website called Revver. Revver is the host site for the videos on the main page. You can set up your new account here. Once you have an account, you can upload your videos to it.
There is an FAQ for Revver here.
Once you upload a video to Revver, it is screened by them to be sure that you haven't added someone else's copyrighted material to it without permission. It is also checked to be sure it is rated correctly. Revver then attaches an advertisement to the end of your video. If you also have a Paypal account, Revver pays you when people click on the ad at the end!
Second, once you have your new Revver account and have uploaded your Fan Video, you want to submit it for approval to the lonelygirl15 website. The best way for me to describe that is with an example.
There is a very popular Fan Video contributor, Ms. Kelly. Let's look at one of her recent contributions.
Open this link to Ms. Kelly's video, Weekly Visit. Notice the box on the right-hand side next to her video titled "Share This Video With Others?" There is a code called a "permalink" listed there. Your new video also has a permalink. Copy your new Fan Video's permalink.
Next, go to A Tribute to Lonelygirl15. In the space on the right-hand side of the page with the Fan Videos, you will find this button:

Once you push that button, you will see a field to paste your permalink into. You then simply push the button below it labeled "Submit Your Video Comment."
That's all? Will my Fan Video appear with the other Fan Videos immediately?
Not quite. The Creators of lonelygirl15 review all the Fan Videos personally to be sure that none of them are offensive. They wish to keep the site and the series at a PG13 rating. No videos with pornography, racist, sexist, graphically violent, or other objectionable material that would be considered above PG13 have yet to be accepted. Once they review the Fan Video to make sure it meets the standards they have set, only then does it appear. Sometimes, this review can take several hours.
What about YouTube? I see lots of comment videos about lonelygirl15 there. Can't I just use my YouTube account?
Yes, Youtube has been used to post videos as well. However, the only way for you to see your new Fan Video appear in the Fan Video section at A Tribute to Lonelygirl15 is to follow the steps outlined above, as the only Fan Videos that appear there are from Revver's site.
Lots of people like to use this area of the forum to post their YouTube Fan Videos. Feel free to start a new topic here. Don't forget to include a link to your new video so everyone will know where to go see it!