[ANALYZE] Brother's Recent VMs (310)933-5901

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Post by madsweeney »

tiltingwindward wrote:madsweeney, thank you for bringing up the idea of Brother having been thwarted or exposed in his quest to kill Gemma. I hadn't even thought along those lines, but that's a definite possibility.
Hooray for validation! :D

Just looking at the transcripts of the VMs (I'm WAY too scared to go calling strange numbers at night, which is usually when I have the time to do things like call strange numbers), it seems like that a constant theme is "oh crap, things aren't looking too perky right now..." Has any new info come out about this yet? I haven't had a chance to watch the new Jonas vid, is there any possible hidden info there?
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Post by itsreallyreal »

I am thinking we may want to keep an eye out for ANOTHER voicemail soon... If all of the voicemails and vid's are "related" in some way we may get a new one based on Jonas and Bree's descisions...

Some ideas behind my long ass post from before...

- Maybe Brother is watching Bree and Jonas and Daniel and is updateing Tachy on how "Seriouse" the situation is with these voicemails...

- Maybe brother is relating his inability to "do the job" with jemma to the relationship between Bree and Daniel...

- Could Brother be trying to warn all of us that he can no longer be trusted??? Otr that somone in the series can no longer be trusted???

- Brother COULD be a character we already know/have seen/has been mentioned in the series... a NUMBER of people so I won't toss any out...

Sorry... just wanted that huge post on the prev page to amount to something... :lol:
I have no clues to offer you... But I know how to download if you're offering!!!
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Post by dcj1291 »

well as you can see i am a noob but i called not too long ago and i did get an error message but after that the operator said "announcement blah blah blah blah" btu i can not really understand what she is saying but at the end i heard a "dash two"
but what do i know i have no idea what i am doing. #-o
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Post by ladron121 »

Welcome dcj1291!

Sounds like the # you called is disconnected. You didn't do anything wrong, the # is just no longer in play.

Have fun playing!
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