Anyway, this is not good - them going to the meeting alone?? They sooo need backup. Whether it be us, or Tach/Brother, they are seriously about to put themselves into a really dangerous situation and they have no real knowledge of how to win this thing.
But then, as they now know for sure that the Order is watching, they're not exactly going to give away if they have been contacted by our rebels and are receiving help from them, are they?
Guess I'll just have to wait and see what happens. Argh!
Jonas is like the voice of the forum. He needs to go as well. We know Jonas is good and we have confirmed a few things, and we know he stands on the "let's do something side." And he'll follow Bree no matter what.
Maybe they know that the Order watches their videos so they really have a plan, but they don't tell us. Maybe Bree has a plan but she feels like she can't share it, for some crazy reason. Bree, when we say save yourself, we don't mean block out the entire outside world!
At least we have some conviction. They want to fight. But Jonas, if you're going to seek outside help, forget law enforcement, find Tachyon.
Lurker mentioned in a post that Bree could fake her own death. Not a bad idea. Brother did it successfully. If Bree could actually fool the Order, she could work more effectively and freely, not under their sights. But it's easier said than done, and then how would she post videos? Details, details...
But Jonas, you're right. Something must be done.
(Oh, and one last thing -- Bree is Daniel's, okay? You can help her, and we still think you're a good person, but I hope what Daniel called your "feeling talk" doesn't escalate. Please. Sigh... I see another conflict here. I just hope we don't get more "Bree and Daniel not speaking" videos in the future over this.")
In the meantime, let's... STORM THE CASTLE! FULL SPEED AHEAD!
Last edited by Magesa on Thu Feb 08, 2007 2:34 am, edited 1 time in total.
Epogen is used to treat anemia. They use it if you have either
chronic kidney disease
a common form of cancer and you are on chemo
it is used in conjuction iwth another med for HIV
And also, if you're scheduled for a surgery and you're going to lose a lot of blood.
If I am right epogen should be a very expensive drug to use as well. Procrit costs about $1000 per package of 4 vials, and since the active ingredients are the same the prices should be around the same too.
Oh yeah. I'm that girl on FOB Life who Rafine said that Reza, Jackson, and Yousef all wanted to screw when I called in.
He can use all his wit and good looks on me, I don't care if he turns out to be Voldemort. He's been the constant that keeps this storyline going.
I will say, I really miss our little video clues here and there. I think we deserve more than we've been getting the past month or 2.... I'm sorta tired of constantly feeling stumped =/.
I was looking up Epogen on (a good place to start if anywhere? lol) and found out that;
"Some women using Epogen have started having menstrual periods, even after not having a period for a long time due to a medical condition. You may be able to get pregnant if your periods restart. Talk with your doctor about the need for birth control. "
I got a little humour over that remembering when the ceremony was first talked about, everyone thought they were either going to kill Bree, or impregnate her.
im not saying that im on thier side... but i think with the forum members, combined with the folks who lurk, there would be quite a force to be reckoned with. jonas is kinda acting like he and D-Bone are alone in the struggle, but there are quite alot of loyal members who would support them.
i, personally happen to like Op. thats no secret. i was mad at her for a while because she gave Daniel cake and ice cream, and she promised me some.... but i digress
there are quite a few of us who would be on Op's side, so beware. take your chances if you will. just remember, the Order is more widespread then you may think, young Jonas.
and to my fellow Oppites...
Be well, for the sake of us all. the time draws near.
The Truth Is Out There, Trust No One
Taylor Fanclub, Caught the Wish, Saved a Husband
Believed in The Year Zero,
One of the Cloudmakers
Currently trying to crack the Publius Enigma