It's the least she could do for Daniel.
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Right! After all he's done for her, Bree better tie herself to the table and be happy to do so if it saves the Beast.Luv2Skydive wrote:I am all for Bree doing the ceremony. She's been very annoying lately and what's a little "sacrifice" among friends, right?![]()
It's the least she could do for Daniel.
marybe running is her way of fighting...pretty lame i know but we are talking about someone whos best friend is a purple monkey hand puppet.Luv2Skydive wrote:I gotta call b*llsh*t on her for saying she's tired of fighting the Order......girl has done nothing but run! She's never, not even once, been proactive. She just ran and hid the whole time. Fight? WTF ever.....girly MUST be delusional.
Just to clarify further, when I say "soon" be aware that I'm talking "soon" in LG15 terms. With the pacing of the series up to this point, a month or two of attention on the main plot and then an ending would qualify as soon.frankenstein girl wrote:It won't be ending soon. The Creators said they were going to be merging all the videos to one account on you tube in the next couple weeks and all this other new stuff. They wouldn't put all that effort into getting more viewers if they were going to straight up end it any time soon.
Again, just to be clear, I don't think the thing will just end with the ceremony, or that it will even end with the showdown with OpAphid. I only suggested that perhaps we'll see them building toward the ending from now on, and that it will come (relatively) soon.SharpI wrote:It's inevitable that LG15 end, and a planned leave-on-a-high-note end is better than a fizzle-out jump-the-shark end, but I hope the ceremony is not the end. (And I doubt it will be.) The series isn't about the ceremony, it's about Bree.Lurker wrote:I wonder if I'm really the only one who sees the idea of an ending as a good thing? I love the series as much as anybody, but it seems like I'm the only one so far who has suggested them building toward an ending from here on would be fantastic.
Do I just have a different perspective on storytelling? I'd be interested in hearing some views from those who aren't as thrilled at the notion as I am.
"Life goes on"? How? "Little moments"? Why?SharpI wrote:So I would be disappointed if the series took on the sort of intense focus you described. Seems to me it would be shedding what made it unique in exchange for something that's on TV any day.
...If I were in Bree's position, I would think about Daniel and the ceremony and Lucy A LOT. But if Jonas accidentally throws me into the swimming pool (swoon) I would stop thinking about all that for a while. Life goes on, you know? LG15 is different because it's largely made up of all the little moments that traditional moviemaking cuts out, IMO.
So true.tayduh1987 wrote:marybe running is her way of fighting...pretty lame i know but we are talking about someone whos best friend is a purple monkey hand puppet.Luv2Skydive wrote:I gotta call b*llsh*t on her for saying she's tired of fighting the Order......girl has done nothing but run! She's never, not even once, been proactive. She just ran and hid the whole time. Fight? WTF ever.....girly MUST be delusional.
This isnt an order from washington...not like the old days and its not something the UN can officialaly sanction either. This isnt justice its a hired hit. LIQUID MUST DIE
I think it would be totally hilarious to see an OpA style video (white shiny background, etc.) DB laying on a bed wearing only his boxers and a tee shirt eating fitfuls of peanut butter M&M's saying, "Mmmm, Danielbeast loves me some M&M's, mmmm, Danielbeast loves me the Order."consideration wrote:I don't think that they'll interrupt the story for it. It will most likely be a smooth transition, however they work that out.ShardinsKitten wrote:lol yea more likely some crazy Oppy vid with DB all drugged up and eating candy or something. I don't really know it's going to be interesting on how they are going to do it. Maybe a wrapper could just be sitting on the dashboard of the vehicle Bree gets into to meet up with them for the ceremony. I do hope they don't interrupt the story line too much for it. That's not how product placement is supposed to work, and it'd be such a shame.consideration wrote: I just pictured that they would be sitting around, talking, eating candy. Like the vid with Random Girl and card playing and all.
With all this drama, doesn't seem like we're going to have any of that.