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- breakinahabit05
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- Mirage
- Hymn of One
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- Location: I say! I'm going to crush your city!
I had a dream that my BF figured must be from watching Heroes. In it, me and a group of people (OMG I just realized I had a dream last nite about my first BF! But I digress), and the world was destroyed and for some reason we couldn't go outside (bad people were outside, I think?), so we were in this destroyed house where only one room was intact--the teenagers room, who collected swords. So we were preparing to go outside with our swords and kick some ass. It was cool. 

I was hoping that Hiro's father was going to speak more in the most recent episode, but I can wait for the next one
. But I'm not too surprised that Micah has become a thief. He hasn't been raised by very responsible parents, is poor and doesn't think of the consequences because he's too young. But I think D.L. will let it slide because of the desperate situation that they are in. And I don't think it was a smart idea for Niki's psychiatrist to demand to speak to Jessica. That's chaos waiting to happen
. I'm not sure where the Invisible Man/Peter storyline is going, but it's still early. But it's nice to see Nathan back to being interested in his status as a superhuman, since Peter could use his help and support. And finally, I'm not too surprised that Matt didn't divorce his wife, since if he did, he wouldn't have time to investigate HRG (aka Mr. Bennett). Oh, and speaking of Claire, her phone conversation with her real mother was a very good scene in that episode

The samurai knows all 

- Mirage
- Hymn of One
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- Location: I say! I'm going to crush your city!
Casting Spoilers:
Casting Spoilers:
From Ask Ausiello:
Question: Loved your Golden Globes red-carpet interviews. I've been trying to figure out who could be the mystery guest star on Heroes that Masi Oka alluded to during your interview with him. Could it be Stan Lee? After all, Who Wants to Be a Superhero? is on hiatus right now.— Famin
Ausiello: Did you bug my office? Yes, it's Stan Lee. Pretty soon you guys aren't even going to need me.
Dr. Who, Sulu, AND Stan Lee? Holy crap I just overloaded on geeky goodness!
According to USATODAY.com(1/30/07), Malcolm FREAKING McDowell has a recurring role as "an ally of Nathan Petrelli"
- senoritablanca
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- senoritablanca
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- Joined: Fri Dec 22, 2006 12:57 am
- senoritablanca
- Devoted Fan
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- Joined: Fri Dec 22, 2006 12:57 am
- Mirage
- Hymn of One
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- Location: I say! I'm going to crush your city!
senoritablanca wrote:i know right! when i saw that, i was like "someone needs to call captain save-a-ho because i'm about to kill this hoebag!"
...sometimes i like to pretend that i'm ghetto..

That is PERFECT for that skank. Oooh I really don't like her just up and ditching her man for another guy and then doing a DOUBLE DITCH! Whore.

Wow, that episode was crazy.