And most importantly if you don't like this plot/game/whatever go away. Nobody told you you had to be here.

Edit: To destroy the ugly smilies.
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*squeals* Okay thankyou. Yeah i guess the go away thing was kinda over the top.ApotheosisAZ wrote:While I agree with the spirit of emerrs11's post above, I don't agree with the suggestion that anyone "go away." (Exceptions: any of my ex-wives that are lurking in here can hit the road.)
The Creators find value in reading the comments here, and they're tougher than you think. They can handle criticism.
I'm sure that emerrs11 is really trying to defend the series. That's very noble!
It is interesting to watch this series develop in "real-time." Sorry to be so long-winded, Emerrs11.I recently wrote:I guess I find myself being a viewer who is interested less in the “clues” and more in how this experiment plays out. I support this series and find some elements quite engaging. For example, Bree had no trouble slipping into a bed with Jonas (who chose the bathtub instead), but Bree had Daniel sleep on the floor after “hooking up/smooching.” This demonstrates the complexity of this character and the fickleness of people's feelings in general, especially after facing a seriously traumatizing situation (witnessing the murder of a father). These are the kinds of elements that keep me involved.
There is space here for all sorts of ways to engage with the story. This kind of “meta-discussion” is interesting to me. I hope we can continue this kind of discussion without being accused of being Negative Nellies, Bitter Bobs or Dismissive Don(na)s. I’d like to think of myself and those interested in this kind of examination to be seen as Deconstructionist Dianas, Analyzing Abes, Supportive Stans and Interested Irenes.
In a world like that, nothing ever improves. Have you ever heard Hans Christian Andersen's story The Emperor's New Clothes or the phrase "the elephant in the room"? When there's something obviously wrong, you don't walk around it for the sake of "being polite," especially if it's disingenuous (being polite solely for the sake of doing so). To me that's just phony and not in any way admirable.emerrs11 wrote:Okay so I was going to post this comment yelling Owen out of his shell but instead I will post this. Please do not tell people the negative side of what they are doing but the postive side.
DreamerM has made it known to the Creators on more than one occasion that he likes LG15 and that he appreciates what they and the rest of the production crew have done (especially when they pull off something fantastic), as have I. I include myself in this point because I've been one of the series' harshest critics from the beginning, as well as one of its most devoted fans. The two concepts are not mutually exclusive.emerrs11 wrote:Instead of saying "What LG 15 is still doing wrong" you could write to the creators saying " I like your plot. It is very interesting. However in my opinion these things could be changed. (Then politely ask them howcome the Gemma plot is taking so long etc.)"
Pointing out that something has a flaw does not mean you hate it. It doesn't mean you're just trying to piss on everyone else's parade. It means you're making an observation about reality. Sometimes that doesn't need to be done, but with the production of something like LG15, it does need to.emerrs11 wrote:And most importantly if you don't like this plot/game/whatever go away. Nobody told you you had to be here.Okay?
I agree that it was cliche, but sometimes things have to be. I'm not going to say that originality is dead, but I am saying that sometimes something just works better when it's doing something in a cliche manner. That doesn't mean this scene couldn't have been pulled off better, but I really don't feel that it was of poor quality.DreamerM wrote:First off, Bree's father's death was a sloppy job. The quick-camera jostling, the shot, the screaming, the get-away, the moody tribute following it, everything was so perfectly dramatic it was cliche. Sorry, but it was.
This criticism I can agree with. It was three months and twelve days from the introduction of gauze on her arm before we learned what Bree was getting injected with, and even then it was without any apparent relevance (even to the characters; they haven't talked about it since or investigated for themselves what it might mean). At the time it seemed like we were actually getting answers, but it's become apparent since then that it was just product placement for Epogen.DreamerM wrote:Finally we find out what the injections were. It only took, what....six months or so from the introduction of them as a plot point? Plus supposedly the symptoms Bree exibited at the time don't match the symptoms supposedly induced by the substance: apparently it's supposed to give you more energy but she kept acting sluggish. Makes me wonder if they introduced it without knowing themselves what it was.
Was she ever?DreamerM wrote:I will say one thing though, halleluja and thank goodness: Bree has finally stopped being likeable.
I wholeheartedly agree that it's great that she finally started showing that she has a personality. I remember that being one of our greatest criticisms in your original thread.DreamerM wrote:She's rejected her toys, she's locked herself in the bathroom, she's shapish and withdrawn, she's irritable and short-tempered. She's actually reacting to something for once, and all I can say is it's about time.
It's almost adorable how naive that is.DreamerM wrote:"Love it or leave it." eh emmers? This is not a religion. I am not obligated to have faith. This is not a country. I cannot be shipped to quantanamo for disagreeing with my nation's forgien policy....
Aw, come on. Be nice, Lurker. I think Emmers11 probably did see some of the issues brought up as an attack, and I would say in light of his/her realization that telling people to go away was just a gut reaction, I say he/she probably understands now that different viewers/fans engage with the story in different ways. I do hope these kinds of discussions about the story (deconstructing the elements of the story/production) do not become a place for one-sided debates.Emmers11 wrote:squeals* Okay thankyou. Yeah i guess the go away thing was kinda over the top.
I wasn't? I don't feel like I made it a personal attack in any way. Can you explain what you mean?gogo wrote:Aw, come on. Be nice, Lurker.
Perhaps, but I thought it important to provide a lot of detail on why all kinds of criticism is important.gogo wrote:I think Emmers11 probably did see some of the issues brought up as an attack, and I would say in light of his/her realization that telling people to go away was just a gut reaction, I say he/she probably understands now that different viewers/fans engage with the story in different ways.
What do you mean exactly? The only way I can picture it becoming somewhat one-sided is if some users felt that there was absolutely no room for improvement in the series while others (typically the majority of fans) felt that there could be improvement. Even then, though, not everyone agrees on what needs to be improved or what should be done to improve it (take DreamerM's criticisms for example and compare with some of mine; while we both agree that the series is nowhere near perfect, we disagreed on some aspects of why that is).gogo wrote:I do hope these kinds of discussions about the story (deconstructing the elements of the story/production) do not become a place for one-sided debates.
Do you mean the parts directed toward emerss11 or the Creators?gogo wrote:I would have a difficult time answering a post like the one you have above. I would feel kind of attacked. (I am just very sensitive.) I guess if I had to respond to a post like that, I would probably get defensive, even if I agreed with some or even many of your points.
Of course not.gogo wrote:I don't want Emmers11 to go away (nor am I suggesting that you do either.)
I don't think this is about that. Of course there's room for praising and being brutally honest of flaws at the same time, and I do that. There's a lot of things about the series that are great. However, for more than a month, I believe none of them have had to do with the story, and instead had to do with the production (acting, directing, and editing).gogo wrote:I think there is room for praising, clue-finding and total support for the story, as well as a more (de)constructive analysis of the story/production without assuming one point-of-view is better than another.
So far, I think this thread has offered constructive criticism, as in the last one. The Creators probably will read all of this. We're offering explanations for why we perceive flaws, after all, and they did read the first thread DreamerM made all the way through.gogo wrote:It must be difficult to create a series like this, so I hope any kind of criticism of the story can stay constructive. If the folks behind this series read these comments, I don't want them to be turned off and not really read through.
We're the people who are going to decide if their production is a success or a failure, though, so I can't imagine that they would think it wise to ignore us. Especially since they themselves are not seasoned directors or writers.gogo wrote:Personally, I can see them balking at the things I write and say (I don't work for them; I am not part of the production; I am not a seasoned screenplay/fic-vlog/teleplay writer; I am not their friend or even a respected entity to them).
There's no need to be concerned over that. As said, the Creators don't know what any of our experiences are, and they also have discussed this stuff with us before (and I seem to remember us being far more bitter last time; many of us were really frustrated back then and just about ready to give up on the whole thing).gogo wrote:I don't want posters with ideas like those in this thread to be seen as negative, bitter people. The simplest and easiest way to react to a thread like this is with the old "If you think you're so great, why don't you make your own series." And then any ideas or suggestions will be ignored. Then frustration grows and nothing is considered by those who have the power to control this story.
No worries. They did.gogo wrote:I think I wrote this long reply to be sure that my points come across in the spirit in which they were written: with a calm, supportive tone and a friendly demeanor.
I appreciate your points. Looking over what I have written in this topic and your most recent response, I must say that I do sound afraid to have people disagree or agree to disagree. Yikes! (Perhaps I should be a politician who tries to please everyone without anyone realizing it.)Lurker wrote:There's no need to be concerned over that. As said, the Creators don't know what any of our experiences are, and they also have discussed this stuff with us before (and I seem to remember us being far more bitter last time; many of us were really frustrated back then and just about ready to give up on the whole thing).
Really, last time I think we felt the series was doomed. This time, I don't feel that way. I have felt like screaming "What were you thinking?" on a few points of missed opportunity, but I think they have the potential to turn things in a good direction. They did last time we had this discussion, and have now just fallen into another rut. It's just imperative that they know it when we think that.
You'd be one of a small handful of politicians who try pleasing everyone at all (with or without them knowing). At least in the United States. That, actually, would be a good thing.gogo wrote:I appreciate your points. Looking over what I have written in this topic and your most recent response, I must say that I do sound afraid to have people disagree or agree to disagree. Yikes! (Perhaps I should be a politician who tries to please everyone without anyone realizing it.)
"Ticked" in a good way? Anyway, you're welcome for the response, and I appreciate your comments as well. I don't share the fear of offending anyone to the same extent that you do, but I respect that you feel that way.gogo wrote:I might just be too fearful of confrontations or too worried about the impression I make on others. This is not the best quality to have, I suppose. I guess if I am going to express myself on this forum, I am going to have to accept that no matter how long or pleading I am that not everyone will agree with me. I appreciate your comments and I am kinda ticked to get one of the Lurker "point by point" break downs (I never think anyone actually reads my long posts.)
There's something we can definitely agree on.gogo wrote:I will say that I do feel that the people behind this series have much to consider with their story. I, too, hope that this latest video allows for a new exciting direction in the story and the format of this series.