New Rules & Regs Forum

The Creators tell us OpAphid is no more. Read up on what made it great and relive old memories here.

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New Rules & Regs Forum

Post by tiltingwindward »

Hello all, me again. I promise that this is my last announcement of the day.

You'll have noticed that there is a new section to our OpAphid boards: the Rules and Regulations board. We have posted all new and existing policies there, and I encourage you all to go read them. They outline many important aspects of forum and chat procedure, and we will begin enforcing them immediately. If you have any questions or comments, please don't hesitate to PM any of the Operators.

Good luck, and I hope we'll get a chance to use some of the drop rules tonight!
"A step in the right direction? It only turns out to be so if you're willing to step much further."
-Samuel R. Delany
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