cbizzle44 wrote:my name's clara and my last name begins with b. and i pretend to be gangsta. ergo, cbizzle. and then 44 is just a lucky number
and then my avatar is just my name and something pretty
Not that I know many gangstas, but I don't think I've ever heard one use the word "ergo".
*in best possible gangsta voice for a white, teenaged, girl* Is Wayne Brady gonna have to slap a bitch?
This world will never be what I expected.
And if I don't belong, who would have guessed it?
Well, I've been using the name Cipher for just about every forum I've ever signed up for. Worked best back in the mid 90s when message boards were still 90 percent male and the only way I could be taken seriously was if I had a decidedly gender-ambiguous name. Plus it sounded cool. These days, it's just habit.
And my avatar... is just funny. I should show the whole clip, because apparently right when she's falling into the trapdoor, a chef with a big cake is making his way up. Hilarious.
not because I don't have a backspace button, but because there is NO back space button in life. There is no going back. Everything is typed out (or written) to how it should be and it cannot be taken back, changed, or erased.
My avatar is the Gothic Tinkerbell. Because I'm a Disney kid. And I like things like that.
What ever happened to that girl BA?
BA Tells Lies.
Some things are secret for a reason.
There are people whose lives are dedicated to keeping them that way.
Well the name realy is cus im a veiwer of lg15 and zanes a name iv liked and used for lots of things includeing my youtube acount. I seriously didnt give it much thought becuase i wasnt feeling creative that day which is a change for screen names.
I was useing the emblem seen in travelerJ19s videos but it was too big and refused to go smaller and i gave up on it. To avoid breaking possible arvatar size rules i removed it untill i can fix it.