i like that idea too. very cool.

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friendsofelvis wrote:Here's how it all went down (and, since I'm a midwesterner, I have to use small-town-midwestern-speak. sorry.)
local: I'm heading up to the cabin for a while. gotta get away for a while, ya know?
daniel: (makes incoherent noise of appreciation)
bartender: Oh, yah- Where do you have a cabin?
local: It's up by old whatchamacalit lake.
bartender: my sister has a place up there. where abouts are you.
local launches into explaination, bartender saying "yah, yah" and nodding in comprehension
bartender You're just up the road from my sister. (explains briefly where sister's cabin is) So, when are ya heading out? (note to non midwesterners: dangling prepositions are the norm here.)
local tonight.
daniel: man, that sounds sweet. I live in this mansion, with my tease of a best friend, and some rich guy who keeps calling me things like d-train, dannykins, and beastiepoo (sorry, couldn't resist) There's this crazy order out to kill us, even though they're taking their sweet time with it. They've been following us for months (on and on...)
local: you sound like you could use a vacation. say, why don't you come on up to the cabin with me?
exit danielbeast and local. daniel, drunk and thankful for someone nomal, doesn't call home. Next day:
Daniel: *&%$$! no reception (wanders around with cell, trying to call, finds spot. then, typing) No good...oops! accidentally sent it. (starts typing again) worrying for now. In mountains, will call. (drops phone in river or lake) &#!$^!%
see, we're worrying for nothing.
Is that an actual address???!Blue02 wrote: So could that be a clue that 'no good' is Daniel trying to text the name of a movie? - I googled and could only come up with- 'No Good Deed aka The House on Turk Street' - not sure what the significance could be yet though!
-breathes out- Phew. It's so good to finally have closure!friendsofelvis wrote:Here's how it all went down (and, since I'm a midwesterner, I have to use small-town-midwestern-speak. sorry.)
local: I'm heading up to the cabin for a while. gotta get away for a while, ya know?
daniel: (makes incoherent noise of appreciation)
bartender: Oh, yah- Where do you have a cabin?
local: It's up by old whatchamacalit lake.
bartender: my sister has a place up there. where abouts are you.
local launches into explaination, bartender saying "yah, yah" and nodding in comprehension
bartender You're just up the road from my sister. (explains briefly where sister's cabin is) So, when are ya heading out? (note to non midwesterners: dangling prepositions are the norm here.)
local tonight.
daniel: man, that sounds sweet. I live in this mansion, with my tease of a best friend, and some rich guy who keeps calling me things like d-train, dannykins, and beastiepoo (sorry, couldn't resist) There's this crazy order out to kill us, even though they're taking their sweet time with it. They've been following us for months (on and on...)
local: you sound like you could use a vacation. say, why don't you come on up to the cabin with me?
exit danielbeast and local. daniel, drunk and thankful for someone nomal, doesn't call home. Next day:
Daniel: *&%$$! no reception (wanders around with cell, trying to call, finds spot. then, typing) No good...oops! accidentally sent it. (starts typing again) worrying for now. In mountains, will call. (drops phone in river or lake) &#!$^!%
see, we're worrying for nothing.
watermelonhead wrote:Hey morons, good job having a slumber party in a motel after receiving an SOS from a friend saying 'no good'.
You two are having a happy little time in a warm motel room, while only God knows what kind of physical and psychological torture they are inflicting upon Daniel.
The thing is though, if Daniel is in fact okay, why should they risk their own safety and if hes not okay even, should they risk themselves again so then their in danger too? no ones gonna come after them to save them so why should they put themselves in danger? At least Daniel has them coming sooner or later. If Daniel ends up hurt or in the worse case scenario, dead, at least Bree and Jonas aren't dead too, right?nobackspacebutton wrote:watermelonhead wrote:Hey morons, good job having a slumber party in a motel after receiving an SOS from a friend saying 'no good'.
You two are having a happy little time in a warm motel room, while only God knows what kind of physical and psychological torture they are inflicting upon Daniel.
Yeah, now I'm starting to think like that.
Yesterday it was like.."okay it was getting dark out..maybe it was safe for them to stop" but today I'm thinking "why the hell DID they stop?"
Not knowing if Daniel was killed or kidnapped or hurt..they decided to still look out for THEMSELVES? Talk about being selfish. How could they sleep? WTF?
Sorry about your PMS. I know how you feel. Lol.turkeyfeather wrote:I don't know if this has been said, but if one of my friends came up missing and then sent me a weird text and didn't answer their cell, I would not have stopped for a "sleepover" at a hotel. I would have gone ahead. What, are they afraid of the dark? When it comes to people I care about, I sure as heck am not.
(sorry fo the rant and sorry if it has been mentioned, i am have PMS)