"No good"

Clues. Theories. Where do you think the story is headed?

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What did Daniel mean when he said "no good."

Jonas is up to "no good"
The situation he's in is "no good"
Bree trying to take him back is "no good"
Daniel drank and orange slurpie and now has "no good" within him
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Post by nobackspacebutton »

Sami wrote:
surrealisticpill wrote:I think Daniel is trying to tell Bree that he was located by his cell phone. As in "don't use your phone, Bree, it's no good"
This could be somethink. Bree tried to call him. He doesn't pick up, but answers 'No good'
Like don't call, it's no good.

So maybe "no good" could mean "no use"...as in its no use using the cell phone...and no good to use it..because he's going to be tracked. @.@

Good thinking!!
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Post by Christie91 »

I'm completley stumped on this one LOL, I think its Op with his phone and they're sayin that things from now on may be 'no good' as if this is the turning point of the plot

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Post by Sami »

It could be OpAphid saying "Don't call, it woun't do any good"
Or Danielbeast saying the same

or OpAphid saying, "Bad move"
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Post by breakinahabit05 »

breakinahabit05 wrote:my thought is, if he left with a local...this is what happened......

Daniel dropped his ID, went home and posted a new video("Hungover")....said something about losing his ID. This triggered Op to find out what bowling ally he was at. She knew where the ally was once they found his ID. Op then prolly went in and paid off some local who is there often (knowing Daniel would come back searching for his ID) to trick Daniel into thinking they were friends and to go somewhere with him...which would explain his dissapearance. I think Daniel is with Op to lead Bree and Jonas into a trap!

"no good"...what kinda of text is that!!!!!!!! I still think it wasn't daniel who sent the text, I have a feeling someone has his phone. Daniel would put more detail than "no good" its not like it doesnt take 5 seconds to write out something real quick! and i dunno "no good" is short and simple, and sounds like something Op would say...kinda like "oh dear". haha, just a thought.

my theory could be a bit far fetched, but it could be a possibility! :wink:

Did anyone even read my theory?! o.O
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Post by shanabanana19 »

breakin, i read it. That's what I'm thinking.

I think, if Op has him, that he DOESN'T have the cell phone. Oppy's too smart. If she tracked Daniel by his cell, she took it from him when she got him.

And Bree is calling and texting him like crazy-- Op probably saw all this, and texted back "no good"... like "sorry honey".

All the while, Op probably knows exactly where they are. Everytime Bree calls... she can track how close they are. It's TOTALLY a trap.
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Post by janesalteredstates »

EliCash wrote:My guess was that 664663 is the phone number for Tachyon, when using this site for the slight changes:


That would make the number 679-666-4663. Anybody try it?
I called. A woman answered and it was clearly just some woman.

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It is a cell phone number.

Post by dramasmiles »

:meep: I KNOW it isn't a cell phone. It sent a text message stating, "I need to speak w/ Daniel." My phone will tell me if it cannot be delivered and why. My message was received. It is 12:23 AM, so I didn't have the guts to call and wake the possibly poor woman up, but plan to call tomorrow and ask specifically for Daniel. Remember, it pays to be specific when calling!!! :smt115
Last edited by dramasmiles on Wed Jan 31, 2007 1:37 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: It is a cell phone number.

Post by autumneternal »

dramasmiles wrote: :meep: I KNOW it is a cell phone. It sent a text message stating, "I need to speak w/ Daniel." My phone will tell me if it cannot be delivered and why. My message was received. It is 12:23 AM, so I didn't have the guts to call and wake the possibly poor woman up, but plan to call tomorrow and ask specifically for Daniel. Remember, it pays to be specific when calling!!! :smt115
Please do not call this number. We've already discussed the idea that it's a phone number to death and it's very unlikely that it is. Usually, when we're given a phone number, it's specific enough that we're given all 10 digits. There are goodness knows how many people who have tried to call this number already.

Sorry if I'm a bit harsh about this, but there's been a lot of confusion in the past regarding phone numbers.

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Re: It is a cell phone number.

Post by dramasmiles »

autumneternal wrote:
dramasmiles wrote: :meep: I KNOW it is a cell phone. It sent a text message stating, "I need to speak w/ Daniel." My phone will tell me if it cannot be delivered and why. My message was received. It is 12:23 AM, so I didn't have the guts to call and wake the possibly poor woman up, but plan to call tomorrow and ask specifically for Daniel. Remember, it pays to be specific when calling!!! :smt115
Please do not call this number. We've already discussed the idea that it's a phone number to death and it's very unlikely that it is. Usually, when we're given a phone number, it's specific enough that we're given all 10 digits. There are goodness knows how many people who have tried to call this number already.

Sorry if I'm a bit harsh about this, but there's been a lot of confusion in the past regarding phone numbers.

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Thanks for the heads up!!!
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Re: It is a cell phone number.

Post by autumneternal »

dramasmiles wrote:Thanks for the heads up!!!
Not a problem! :D
Jonas is no Bruce Wayne, but he is a mild-mannered millionare with a secret identity.
He's HamsterMan, and his parents' bedroom is really the entrance to the HamsterCave.

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Post by itsreallyreal »

So anyone else find it awkward that they "Re-Focussed" us on the "No Good" or "Know Good" tesxt msg again in the latest video? :?
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Post by SharpI »

I'm intrigued by the timing of the message. It arrived while Jonas was in the bowling alley getting the address in the mountains. I think the text was sent by the guy by the white van... who has Daniel's phone... and overheard their decision to get the address and go to the mountains... and is trying to dissuade them. Now, is he with Op or Tachy? You decide. (I say Tachy.)

Post by silvermoon »

SharpI wrote:I'm intrigued by the timing of the message. It arrived while Jonas was in the bowling alley getting the address in the mountains. I think the text was sent by the guy by the white van... who has Daniel's phone... and overheard their decision to get the address and go to the mountains... and is trying to dissuade them. Now, is he with Op or Tachy? You decide. (I say Tachy.)
Hmmm, I'm a little confused by this line of thought...if the guy by the van has Dan's phone and assumably Daniel...why would he be disuading Bree and Jonas from going to the mountains? Wouldn't he want them to go there, and stay off his trail? Or is he trying to keep them around so that he can spring a trap for them?

Wouldn't it be easier, if that were the case, to just leave them a regular message? "Need a ride, come get me at this address"? Why be so cryptic?

I really do think that the message is from Daniel, who sent it off quickly to get a message out before he got caught with his phone and had it taken away by whoevers got him.

Or maybe it's the guy in the van. I have no idea anymore, lol!
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Post by anniid »

personally i have no idea what is actually going on. but i do NOT think it is a phone number.
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Post by RiverFleur »

I think something happened to Daniel... and he couldn't been seen using his cell phone, or it was going to be taken away from me.

If he wrote the message, it's obvious he didn't have enough time to explain. So he probably summarized it, probably trying to say that the situation he's in is 'no good'.

I highly doubt he's leaving Bree and Jonas to go back to his old life. Daniel would have told Jonas or AT LEAST left a note or more detailed text message... he didn't seem to be angry, set on leaving, or troubled when he left for the bowling alley. So something MUST have happened to him.

Surely an enemy found him. And this 'regular local' that Daniel left with probably won't have Daniel, but he's probably going to offer some helpful hints...
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