where is daniel?

Clues. Theories. Where do you think the story is headed?

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where is daniel?

he went home to his parents
he went home with a girl
he was kidnapped by the order
Total votes: 86

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where is daniel?

Post by platypusrex256 »

its no surprise that more drama happens. does anybody know where he is? or is it up to us to figure it out?
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Post by lookinginonyou »

Well, I don't know, and no one here really does either.. ::eyes suspiciously:: and i'm not sure. I wish there was that option, but i'm kind of non-committal on some of these kinds of things. The dramatic thing would be that he was captured by the order, but I want to say that wasn't it. I don't know why, but i kind of have a feeling that he'll show up and the two will be pissed, or maybe he's searching for randomgirl (I really need a name for her) to find out her name!! and then we'll see more mcphee.. :D (happy me!)
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Post by Killthesmiley »

he's having sexy time with oppy

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Post by SapereAudeo »

Op's got him.

If this turns out to be another run-of-the-mill almost-but-not-quite plot twist, I'll be very upset.
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Post by platypusrex256 »

lookinginonyou wrote:Well, I don't know, and no one here really does either.. ::eyes suspiciously:: and i'm not sure. I wish there was that option...
i agree with you, actualy. i should have thought of that. oh well, its too late now!

there has been a theory tossed around that this is actualy not real and that all the kids are played by actors and actresses... and i supose if we followed that theory we'd say something to the extent of: the creators dont even know whats going on and they're watching our reactions for ideas where to take the story. who knows?
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Post by pimp monkette »

Killthesmiley wrote:he's having sexy time with oppy
Agreed. :lol:
I vote the newgirl be itskassie.
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Post by shanabanana19 »

Since we all helped Op find the ID last night.... and in doing so, found the bowling alley he was at last night... Yeahhhhhhh. He's so captured... it's not even funny.
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Post by voyboy »

So its all the ARG peoples fault if he was kidnapped.
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Daniel may not have been kidnapped

Post by reyalP »

There is a chance that Daniel went home with somebody, but that it may not have been with a girl... and no, I don't mean he's dual persuasion, either.

He may have met a bloke at the bar... ahem, I mean bowling ally, he has no fake ID now... who he could talk to that ended up suggesting they go to a party, back to his place for some "real" drinks, etc. At the party, or wherever, he could have gotten wasted, tired, or just didn't care and crashed. He may have even wanted to call the gang back at the ranch, but found that his cellphone battery had died or that he had even lost his cellphone.

It could be something VERY innocent like that. Now, the interesting thing could be that it appears innocent until Daniel realizes that the guy he left with hid his phone, he doesn't know where he is, and there are no other houses around for miles. Ahhhhhh.... but I digress.

Anyways, just a thought.
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Post by Chartreuse »

voyboy wrote:So its all the ARG peoples fault if he was kidnapped.
If it means plot action, most of us OpHeads will take full blame for that :twisted:
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Post by cup o' noodles »

Chartreuse wrote:
voyboy wrote:So its all the ARG peoples fault if he was kidnapped.
If it means plot action, most of us OpHeads will take full blame for that :twisted:
Tsk, tsk. Bad, OpHeads! Us Breenies want our Daniel back! Want Jonas instead? I'm sure we can work out a trade.
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Post by Skunkwaffle »

Op's definitely got him. He's definitely caught... I'm gonna be so ripping pissed if he just stumbles back to Jonas' house with another wannabe pop singer.
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Post by Loki »

cup o' noodles wrote:
voyboy wrote:So its all the ARG peoples fault if he was kidnapped.
Tsk, tsk. Bad, OpHeads! Us Breenies want our Daniel back! Want Jonas instead? I'm sure we can work out a trade.
I resemble those remarks! Don't place "blame" on us... we're just doing our job!

And though I'm sure some of the others would prefer Jonas... I think Oppy wants Daniel for now, so you'll just have to wait until she's ready to give him back... IF she decides to give him back...
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Post by trainer101 »

Just a reminder - This was from the YouTube comments section on Daniel's post of "Who Is This?" way back on Sept. 27th.

I think a more formal warning might be in order, Daniel. You've been told before, and this is the last time it will be repeated in such a polite manner: Stay away from Bree!
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Post by ApotheosisAZ »

I didn't vote here, as "Daniel was intercepted by Tachyon" was not an option in the vote.
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