Video Description: Apparently the G.L.F. found this "Daniel" person somewhere in California.
Tags: lg15 lonelygirl15 daniel danielbeast recon OpAphid the order engage
His profile info also changed:
Okay, we had a meeting with the G.L.F. (or Global Liberation Front) and learned some pretty amazing things.
A transcript will be released when we deem it can be safely declassified.
They're implying they found Daniel.

I don't know what to make of the video, (I'm still watching it, as it's slow to completely load).
EDIT: Upon discovery that the video footage used in this video belonged to the military, the video was removed and SSAlexander changed his profile to the following:
UPDATE: Damn them, we recently discovered that video was NOT the meeting place. And update will come as we can. Right now we're being bombarded by messages.
Until then, the video has been pulled due to it's possible controversial nature.