Something is going DOWN...

Clues. Theories. Where do you think the story is headed?

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Post by Killthesmiley »

lesbrent wrote:What are you all talking about? We aren't supposed to have to play the ARG to follow along.
no but we are to watch the videos now. They are a part of the series, they are a piece of the story, jsut like gemma and jonas and daniel, Tachyon Op and Brother are just more characters

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Post by lesbrent »

Killthesmiley wrote:
lesbrent wrote:What are you all talking about? We aren't supposed to have to play the ARG to follow along.
no but we are to watch the videos now. They are a part of the series, they are a piece of the story, jsut like gemma and jonas and daniel, Tachyon Op and Brother are just more characters
Are they also posted on the main LG page like all of the other canon vids? - forums rule!
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Post by Killthesmiley »

lesbrent wrote:
Killthesmiley wrote:
lesbrent wrote:What are you all talking about? We aren't supposed to have to play the ARG to follow along.
no but we are to watch the videos now. They are a part of the series, they are a piece of the story, jsut like gemma and jonas and daniel, Tachyon Op and Brother are just more characters
Are they also posted on the main LG page like all of the other canon vids?
they're posted with the response videos, but there is reason:
The character do not see the ARG videos.
But to really get the whole stoy you need to at least watch the videos.
These videos are canon and a piece of the story. But like I said Bree, Jonas ad Daniel don't see the videos, but luckily we do. And to understand both Bree's side and the Order's side, we need to see both sections.

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Post by epogen »

Kanazaka wrote:Now for the important question:

What will Oppy be wearing :lol: ?
and will she have nail polish on? lol
they'd reach for the tequila and tell you, progress is progress
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Post by shanabanana19 »

lesbrent wrote:What are you all talking about? We aren't supposed to have to play the ARG to follow along.
Actually, that's how it used to be. Now, the plots have actually merged... and the creators need to come out and tell people they should watch both.

ACTUALLY... the creators already did it. When they posted Tachyon's videos from Gemma's account, it was to let all the non-arg people they should get up to speed.
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Post by Terryfic »

shanabanana19 wrote:
lesbrent wrote:What are you all talking about? We aren't supposed to have to play the ARG to follow along.
Actually, that's how it used to be. Now, the plots have actually merged... and the creators need to come out and tell people they should watch both.

ACTUALLY... the creators already did it. When they posted Tachyon's videos from Gemma's account, it was to let all the non-arg people they should get up to speed.
I still tend to believe that material like OA and Nikki B is supplemental. It contains events that occur between the episodes in the main story. They fill in extra information that you don’t really need to follow the story, but if you are really hardcore you might appreciate knowing. Compare it perhaps to the appendixes in the Lord of the Rings, you can read the book and understand the world well enough and enjoy it, but if you really want to dig further in and understand all the little details then you need to read them. Or perhaps more appropriate would be to consider it like all the many many Star Wars or Star Trek novels out there. If you had read them then you already knew how Anakin physically became Vader, but not having read them didn’t hinder someone from following when it happened in the movie.

Clearly if OA does something that affects Daniel the results will be seen in an LG vid too. Most of the time they are able to keep LG pretty self contained and it appears that they are trying to keep it that way.

And that only makes sense, because as Jay has pointed out many times, the numbers show that OA is only a small fraction of the LG audience and it would be foolish to alienate their larger casual fanbase.
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Post by shanabanana19 »

Terryfic wrote:
shanabanana19 wrote:
lesbrent wrote:What are you all talking about? We aren't supposed to have to play the ARG to follow along.
Actually, that's how it used to be. Now, the plots have actually merged... and the creators need to come out and tell people they should watch both.

ACTUALLY... the creators already did it. When they posted Tachyon's videos from Gemma's account, it was to let all the non-arg people they should get up to speed.
I still tend to believe that material like OA and Nikki B is supplemental. It contains events that occur between the episodes in the main story. They fill in extra information that you don’t really need to follow the story, but if you are really hardcore you might appreciate knowing. Compare it perhaps to the appendixes in the Lord of the Rings, you can read the book and understand the world well enough and enjoy it, but if you really want to dig further in and understand all the little details then you need to read them. Or perhaps more appropriate would be to consider it like all the many many Star Wars or Star Trek novels out there. If you had read them then you already knew how Anakin physically became Vader, but not having read them didn’t hinder someone from following when it happened in the movie.

Clearly if OA does something that affects Daniel the results will be seen in an LG vid too. Most of the time they are able to keep LG pretty self contained and it appears that they are trying to keep it that way.

And that only makes sense, because as Jay has pointed out many times, the numbers show that OA is only a small fraction of the LG audience and it would be foolish to alienate their larger casual fanbase.
I have to disagree with you. I believe that the whole point in posting those Tachyon videos to Gemmas account was a way of pulling in arg and non-arg watchers. I believe that you are right in some points. What you said is EXACTLY what the case was at the beginning. When the Op arg became canon, the situation was exactly as you described. But now, with the story more complex, they are like true characters, and not fan fiction that adds color to the story.

While it may seem like they are alienating, they COULD just be trying to add to the entertainment of their audience-- and trying to get them to watch. You don't have to PLAY the arg to watch and enjoy the arg.
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Post by cbizzle44 »

regardless, i'm hoping something DOES go down. i'm totally done with these "get daneil dressed, play foosball, bree wants privacy, more foosball" videos. i want something INTERESTING to happen
currently chewing ice breakers sours gum

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Post by shanabanana19 »

cbizzle44 wrote:regardless, i'm hoping something DOES go down. i'm totally done with these "get daneil dressed, play foosball, bree wants privacy, more foosball" videos. i want something INTERESTING to happen
If I see ONE MORE foosball episode, with a high five, I'm going shoot my computer!
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Post by Chartreuse »

shanabanana19 wrote:If I see ONE MORE foosball episode, with a high five, I'm going shoot my computer!


And Op IS really pretty. Daniel won't know what hit him until he sees the WRATH eyes turn on him. :shock:
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Post by shanabanana19 »

Gemma-- Don't hold your breath.

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Post by voyboy »

Wow I was just thinking...what if he runs into Brees mom and she seduces him? You know a total Mrs Robinson meets DanielBeast kind of thing?
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Post by khjq »

voyboy wrote:Wow I was just thinking...what if he runs into Brees mom and she seduces him? You know a total Mrs Robinson meets DanielBeast kind of thing?

And there could be a video in which we see Bree's mom seducing him!! That would be so hot!!
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Post by 7Harry7Potter7 »

Wow. You guys are gooood. "Daniel's Missing"

I totally think that he met up with OpA and something happened. I don't really know much about all the ARG. I wish I did, but I don't. Is there info on them in the LG Pedia? I'll have to go look. I watch all the videos and everything, but I still can't manage to know as much about it as you all. What's with that? lol

When you guys said "What if he meets up with Bree's mom and she tries to seduce him?" I was like, omg, what if OpA is Bree's mom? But I have no idea if that is even plausible. Is it? I seriously need to go read up on this.

But, yeah. I think that the next couple vids are gonna be good. (exciting good, not funny good)

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Post by Jo_16_2 »

7Harry7Potter7 wrote:Wow. You guys are gooood. "Daniel's Missing"

I totally think that he met up with OpA and something happened. I don't really know much about all the ARG. I wish I did, but I don't. Is there info on them in the LG Pedia? I'll have to go look. I watch all the videos and everything, but I still can't manage to know as much about it as you all. What's with that? lol

When you guys said "What if he meets up with Bree's mom and she tries to seduce him?" I was like, omg, what if OpA is Bree's mom? But I have no idea if that is even plausible. Is it? I seriously need to go read up on this.

But, yeah. I think that the next couple vids are gonna be good. (exciting good, not funny good) ... AphidPedia :wink:
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