Well, this was offically the most anticlimatic drop ever.
I just got off the phone with Lad. He tried to call me a few times but the cellphone wasn't cooperating.
There's a planter out in front of the bowling alley, and it was sitting face down on the bricks in plain view. Lad said anyone passing by could've seen it.
It was DB's fake ID (it has his pic on it). It is an Illinois ID. Here is the info on it:
Name: Wyatt Donnelly
City: Shermer, Ill.
The city is a John Hughes Reference. Shermer Illinois is the fictional city where he set all his movies. Lad thinks the name is also a movie reference.
Also, Lad found some journal next to planter in a dirty tub type thing. After reviewing it, he doesn't think it has any relevance to the game.
He's going to circle around a few times to see if he can find anything else. I'll let you know if I hear anything.
I spoke to Lad and I grilled him about the ID. Here is EVERYTHING about it.
On the top is the name Jesse White, Illinois Secretary of State.
License # - P142-5955-1770
Issued - 11-23-04
Expires - 11-08-2008
Address - 1401 Lucille Ave.
Shermen IL, 60007
BDay - 11-08-1983
Sex - Male
Height - 6'1
Weight - 190
Eyes - Brown
Restrictions: ** *** *** (No I don't know what that means)
Type: COR (Corrective Lenses)
Class: D License
At the right of the picture, there is 2 sets of numbers and letters:
First set - 137
Second Set - SD2146
There is the state seal on the back of the ID and you can "kinda" see the hologram. But Lad says this is a VERY fake looking ID. The lamanation job is terrible.
I am back, and have the fake ID. I will note that while I have no pic of it, in the video it is clear that there is nothing on the back of the ID, not even a fake magnetic strip. And I don't remember if I said it, but if I did I was wrong about the name on the ID. It is not from Pretty In Pink, like I had first thought. I hate those movies

Yokayo Bowl Drop Video:
Fake ID 1: ... akeid1.jpg
Fake ID 2: ... akeid4.jpg
[[ Mod Edit - For the sake of clarification, the explanation of the box and all the woes that came with it can be found here:
Needless to say, wires got crossed and the box and its contents were not meant for us. There is also a thread about it in Gen. Discussion. If you have any questions please feel free to PM an Op. ]]