Remember how that first drop was in an OpAphid video but it was a Tachyon drop that we swiped for OpAphid?
This is like a Daniel drop that OpAphid is asking us to swipe. No way to get clues out of Daniel though since they are on the run. Hmm.
From that email though it sounds like Op wants us to do the legwork and help track down Jonas' location by finding this fake ID.
So we're not only playing an ARG that's just as tied into lonelygirl15 as OpAphid/Tachyon now, but we're aren't we kind of also helping the bad guys go after Bree, Daniel, and Jonas?
Kinda neat.
I wonder if Daniel is going to start getting holes in his pockets and every few days we have to send someone to the middle of nowhere to find a random item he lost. After awhile the breadcumbs can lead us to Jonas' mansion!