Well, stated, wintermute. (Although, here I go discussing...)I think twjaniak has the right idea with his latest video, where he's actually started to play the game as opposed to just discussing it.

twjaniak’s videos are very helpful and informative. In twjaniak’s last video (posted 9/27/06) Back off, Daniel at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YStqmkpA ... er&search=, I’m not sure that Daniel needed to be told to back off. In my opinion, he did not cross any major line in going to Bree’s house to try to work out their situation. I don’t even think it was overly-stalkerish (is this even a word?) of him to follow Bree when she left with the older woman. Bree has such a small social circle that Daniel's concern might be warranted.
I remember being a hormonal and irrational teen and wanting to do anything to be heard. I remember, as a teenage girl, receiving phone calls at ridiculous hours of night from boys who with whom I had broken up. I remember crying over adolescent crushes; possessing unreasonable jealousies; hurting because I wanted life to be easy.
Under Daniel’s video Who is This? at http://lonelygirl15.com/?p=68&play=1 , he writes:
Daniel did not go to Bree's home to stalk necessarily. He wants to make up with a girl he likes. He was very cruel, immature and silly in asking her to choose between him and her religion, but he needs to see her and apologize for his rudeness. In his words, he wants to “work things out.”“I went over to Bree's to try and work things out. I have no idea what's going on...”
I agree with twjaniak that Bree has made her choice. However, I hope Daniel does not back off for too long. Because Bree and Daniel are still young, it is easy for me to see their actions as passionately immature. I hope twjaniak’s advice to Daniel is helpful in the short term because I know Bree needs contact with someone outside her small orbit in the long term. I just hope Daniel, with his youthful passion, is the right person.
My comments are shared with the utmost respect for twjaniak and his work.