aideen wrote:Video Picture description: Could a member of the Order look that innocent??
Hmm. That's a good question, much like the whole joking thing brought up
Definately the first thing that captured my eye on wikipedia. We really don't know for sure about Jonas' background. Who knows?
Another thing that caught my eye...all those papers in the background. Where are they? What kind of room? There are tons and tons of papers...just piled on top of each other. It seems very disorganised. Was this Jonas' research on his parents, or someone elses' paperwork? What could it be for?
And something else...anyone else notice how dusty that foosball table was? And supposedly they've been using it and using it...maybe its just because Jonas has had it for a long time--but never had anyone to use it until now.
And Bree is hiding out in her room...seems strange. I think Jonas is interested in Bree...and he was feeling out Daniel to see if he still cared about her. I think that if Daniel said he still cared about her, then Jonas wouldn't try to persue Bree, but now that he knows otherwise...will swooning Bree be his next move? Either way, I don't think Bree likes Jonas that much either.
Excellent video, I thought. It just was fun...seemed normal, like a real video...and it showed that they do think about the Order still...but they need to stop playing games and get serious.