12 hours away!
*rotates satelite LG15TESTAR3 into position for release of payload*

*sends image of Jo_16_2 secret GOJO FAKE orange homicidal tendency inducing agent*

*refuses to utilize FAKE slurpee machines*

Moderators: Moderators, Ambassadors
omg, Apo... a bit bored with life lately? Photoshop much??!!ApotheosisAZ wrote:*issues tactical alert for the upcomming test*
12 hours away!
*rotates satelite LG15TESTAR3 into position for release of payload*
*sends image of Jo_16_2 secret GOJO FAKE orange homicidal tendency inducing agent*
*refuses to utilize FAKE slurpee machines*
I'm sure we both have NO idea what you're talking aboutjc_gypsy7 wrote:laters, krig!krig wrote:Well, I should go too. I have some errands to run that require leaving my computer! Heh heh!
Have a great day guys!
Mystic - hehe, it's the krig/Jess combo that's too funny... evil minds feed off each other!
Poking my head back in just to sayJess4298 wrote:I'm sure we both have NO idea what you're talking aboutjc_gypsy7 wrote: Mystic - hehe, it's the krig/Jess combo that's too funny... evil minds feed off each other!
LMAO, I'd have to agree with you..Jess4298 wrote:I don't think Apo slept last night in preparation for this exercise...