So... about that ORDER...?

Clues. Theories. Where do you think the story is headed?

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So... about that ORDER...?

Post by AniDonia »

Now usually, I'm one for defending the Creator's plot decisions... but lately...

Especially this new perky Bree video talking about making more female friends and carefreely discussing possible career options: Um... hello??? Aren't you supposed to be on the run from your cult... you know, the cult that killed your father??? Whatever happened to being "proactive", whatever happened to Daniel's great Epogen discovery? WTF, mate?

Is something big coming up, or have the Creators simply run out of ideas? Did the Order just lose interest and give up, and the show become just another teen romance/angsty drama?
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Post by alex »

agreed. wth.
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Re: So... about that ORDER...?

Post by iamcool »

AniDonia wrote:Is the show become just another teen romance/angsty drama?
hopefully not
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Post by curiousGeorge »

It has become a world of WTF? at this point.

The creators need to ignore all the absurd plot speculations, quit dropping endless Pink Herrings, and just tell a story. There is a backlog of enough clues to provide fodder for another fifty vids without adding a single more clue.

The phorum is just one big "clue" pheeding phrenzy that never leads anywhere. I hold the phans personally responsible for this nonsense. The creators are only reacting to what generates huge discussions. If the phans would ignore these "clues" for three vids in a row and demand a sensible plot the creators will react accordingly. Stop speculating and just let (force) them develop a cohesive plot. Now THAT would be phan interaction.

They (and all of you) can do it, I know (you) they can...
Last edited by curiousGeorge on Tue Jan 23, 2007 6:33 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by iamcool »

i agree, but i wouldnt say it was the fans faults

of course there is going to be different theories, but the creators need to ignore them and do the plot they want

i dont see why we should ignore the clues, what if its something important like the CUSOON or her dads voicemail
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Post by Killthesmiley »

you know i think the creators are trying to make everyone happy...which jsut cannot do. Especially with the plot line that they layed out.

I mean, there was a whole thread over in the Bree out of character forum that was about the old videos and how much everyone missed them.
I really think that half of us want to see old peppy bree again and half of us are just raising eyebrows at this one...

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Post by iamcool »

they should just ignore what we want imo, they know were we want it to go whichi is going after the order so just carry on with that
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Post by curiousGeorge »

OK, let me try again:

If the phans DEMANDED (en masse) that the creators resolve, let's say even 60%, of the previous clues they would be forced to do so. They react to what you all say, there is no doubt about that. That would leave 40% unresolved and still have somewhat of the "mystery" left. That would still be a whole lot of things to discuss and dissect by inquiring minds.

So, is a "regular" story as much phun as chasing the latest "clue"? Probably not in the short term, but in the long term the story will make sense and be a more satisfying experience for all.

They are only reacting to what generates the most comments on this board. If you don't "get" that then I don't think this discussion is worth pursuing. If the phans DEMANDED a resolution to a simple majority of the previous clues they would do it. Guaranteed. It's in your hands. Ignore any new clues. Come up with a catch phrase to demand resolution, whatever.

Do I think this will happen? Sadly no, there appears to be very little interest in a cohesive story by the majority...
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Post by Killthesmiley »

iamcool wrote:they should just ignore what we want imo, they know were we want it to go whichi is going after the order so just carry on with that
I completely agree.
I mean, it's going to be absolutely impossible to make everyone happy in the first place. Second of all, THIS MAKES NO SENSE....

unless my theory is correct, and the order was just playing mind games with her and they wanted her to become completely sick and tired of being stuck in the home and with two young men, so she starts thinking like this and becomes careless....

but would think at least on the OpAphid/Tachyon side there would be a sign of that...

But there isn't.

on a side note (plus this is an edit) and i'm not trying to be rude, but curious....that PH thing...getting really old and annoying. It's hard to take you seriously with that weird spelling. I'm not trying to be rude or fight or offend. I'm jsut trying to say, and give you my two cents. *muwah* see kisses!

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Post by curiousGeorge »

Sorry, I have had Spelling Issues for a long time now...

I don't want to start a phlame war but I really think the direction of the story and it's sense of quality is completely up to you all. I have complained about this until I am blue in the face, which is unsightly on a monkey...

If the MAJORITY of phans want them to stop dropping endless clues and pursue the Order storyline that would be just wonderful. There are endless possibilities they could pursue in the Order storyline, none of which require additional clues for quite some time. Have the characters act in a rational manner for once.

Let the clues come from Op and Tachy. Cool! The ARG is the perfect venue for this and would probably increase in popularity. But let the main storyline catch up and just start to make some sense.
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Post by Killthesmiley »

See the thing is, is I like the odd clue...but I like to find them in the LG15s and have them have some importance to OpAphid. Thats the way I would do it. That way, all the videos are watched because us Op players would be looking at the LG15 videos for clues. More view, more potential clicks on revver links. More potential clicks, more potential $$$.
But they DEFINATELY need to continue on with the layed out story line of the order. Maybe they are building up to it...but they need to do it in a less subtle way. Like at least tak about the order at some point.
Bree really needs to open up and give us MORE information about the order and the way it works, as well as information about her mom. Or even, if we had some information about brees mom from Oppy or Tachy.

either way....they are being scatter brained and it's distracting.

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Post by Killthesmiley »


i don't think its really the mess of clues that we have, because it's been that way for as long as I can remember.
I just think we are demanding TOO MUCH of them, and they don't know which way to go.

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Post by curiousGeorge »

Good points, and I think overall we agree on the base issue of resolution to outstanding issues. I guess we will have to wait and see...
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Post by Luv2Skydive »

I just wish they'd be as realistic as they can with this plot they created. It's farfetched....that's fine. But every move made is farfetched. It shouldn't be that way. Even if the plot is crazy, how the characters react to it needs to be what the average person would do. I just keep asking myself after every vid "WHO WOULD DO THAT????" Nobody. A good story to me is one that SEEMS absolutely crazy but is told in such a way that it actually starts making sense and by the end of it we believe that, yeah, this could happen! I find myself saying WTF? way too much.

I think if someone listed all the unanswered/unexplained issues, my head would explode.
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