0119 "Hungover" [01/22/07]

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Post by McPackage »

Two theories:

(a) During the Superbowl halftime show, Daniel will duet with Prince on When Doves Cry, with the Prince 'symbol' written on his forehead with a magic marker, or

(b) Daniel now has two reasons to go back to the bowling alley: to find the girl and to retrieve his ID. I think someone will be waiting for him...
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Post by kayokosaeki »

McPackage wrote:Two theories:

(a) During the Superbowl halftime show, Daniel will duet with Prince on When Doves Cry, with the Prince 'symbol' written on his forehead with a magic marker, or

(b) Daniel now has two reasons to go back to the bowling alley: to find the girl and to retrieve his ID. I think someone will be waiting for him...
:smt043 i'd like to see both happen
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Post by watching_watchers »

I thought the glasses were real that were drawn on Daniel at first. Did anyone else? Lmao. :]
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Post by aquanetnightmare »

McPackage wrote:Two theories:

(a) During the Superbowl halftime show, Daniel will duet with Prince on When Doves Cry, with the Prince 'symbol' written on his forehead with a magic marker, or

(b) Daniel now has two reasons to go back to the bowling alley: to find the girl and to retrieve his ID. I think someone will be waiting for him...
Something like the second perhaps...though the first would be unbelieveably hilarious
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Post by kristenjane »

watching_watchers wrote:I thought the glasses were real that were drawn on Daniel at first. Did anyone else? Lmao. :]
unfortunately... yeaaahh
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Post by girlAnachronism »

Am I the only one who thinks that Daniel was trying to make Bree jealous? Honestly, he cooked the girl some "chicken thing" and has been after for ages. Now all of a sudden he got pissed and (probably) fell on some girl and thinks that he's the shit?

I believe he declared THREE times that he wasn't into Bree anymore. Isn't it after you reinstate something two or more times within a conversation that you're actually lying?

Or maybe I read too much Agatha Christie...
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Post by betz28 »

yeah , i definately think he wanted to make bree jealous
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Post by bethy »

I believe he declared THREE times that he wasn't into Bree anymore. Isn't it after you reinstate something two or more times within a conversation that you're actually lying?
Sometimes that's true, sometimes it isn't.

But in Daniel's case...it is. He's a lovesick boy. If he really were over her, he'd be gone. He'd go back home and get back into school.

Nope..he's sticking around because he loves her, even if she's a total bitch to him. Only a lovesick fool would do that.
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Post by AM »

betz28 wrote:yeah , i definately think he wanted to make bree jealous
In which case he failed miserably because Bree didn't seem jealous at all. In fact nameless girl and Bree seemed to get along beautifully.
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Post by onsweetavenue »

kayokosaeki wrote:just curious:

to everyone saying they'd never get in a car with a drunk guy and his friend.....where do you live? is it considered a city, a suburb, or a small country town?

because i bet most of you saying "no" live in city areas. you'd be surprised how friendly/trusting people who live in smaller areas with fewer people can be.

edited 1 time for clarity
I'm more trusting of random people in the city than I was when I lived in the country. Too many horror movies happen from a few crazies in the country and they always have time to do lots of weird shit because no one can hear you scream and there's no one you can run to ;).

If someone tries to mess with me in an apartment in the city, all I have to do is get out of the room and I'm fine. In the country you have to like run out of the house and like, hide in the corn fields or something:). If I were Mcphee, I'd be kinda scared when we went to a big huge mansion in the middle of nowhere. but I think Mcphee could take both jonas and daniel in a fight. Daniel is passed out drunk and JOnas...well he isn't exactly a super rough and tough looking guy.

Usually with fakes people will tell you to use the same first name. If a bouncer or worker catches you being called a different name than the name on your card, it looks suspicious. I think most people put a different last name. Owning a fake in your name is kinda risky because if it gets lost you can get in trouble if anyone finds it.
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Post by betz28 »

AM wrote:
betz28 wrote:yeah , i definately think he wanted to make bree jealous
In which case he failed miserably because Bree didn't seem jealous at all. In fact nameless girl and Bree seemed to get along beautifully.

yeah noticed that....
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Post by emerrs11 »

GoodGollyItsHolly wrote:I will bet money on OpAphid holding daniels fake id in her next video.. what do you guys think.. I mean they totally set that up.

That is exactly what I thought when I first watched the video. Anytime anything is lost OpAphid is your go-to.
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Post by JustAnotherLonelyGirl. »

I wonder if Daniel really is over Bree. And if, once he doesn't have romantic feelings for her anymore, he will remain as close a friend as he has thus far. The boys I have met in my lifetime tend not to stay close with a girl unless they want in her pants. :wink:
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Post by autumneternal »

Looks like some random person allegedly found Daniel's fake I.D. - http://one.revver.com/watch/149018

It's hard to tell if it's really his though. Curious. :-k
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Post by arammat »

Beckers wrote:
Kasdeja wrote:I think it's weird that she got into a vehicle with two random guys and went off into the middle of nowhere to a big mansion that the guy lives in. I'm sorry, I wouldn't do that, lol.
That whole senario was bad. It was not believable and there was a lot of awkwardness.
I would definitley not go anywhere with 2 strangers and like someone else mentioned.....why wasn't she drinking at all? She was totally sober. I don't know about anyone else, but I cannot stand to be around people who are drinking when I'm not. People are annoying drunk unless you are as well...lol
Actually, I think people who are drinking are pretty funny. I don't drink, and don't mind being around people who are drinking, but they do act pretty stupid at times. It's not all that odd that random girl didn't seem drunk. She could have either only had one or two drinks, and you really don't notice that amount of alcohol consumption in most people.
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