kellylen wrote:TBH I thought jonas was about to teabag DB
That's the BEST! I love doing that to drunks!!! We did that to one of our friends one night, it was the funniest thing and we each did it to him! The only thing that sucks about it is having to boil water and then make tea before you have a good enough used teabag to stick to his face.
Teabagging, as in the Urban Dictionary version, seems a bit extreme. I personally think Bree would have been having a panic attack in the background at the sight of -- you know -- if that had been the case. Peeing one's pants is much more asexual and immature, so she might have let that go on.
or they're gonna roll him on his back onto a hardwood floor, take a staple gun and staple his shirt and pants to the floor, less than an inch between each staple.
kayokosaeki wrote:or they're gonna roll him on his back onto a hardwood floor, take a staple gun and staple his shirt and pants to the floor, less than an inch between each staple.
believe it or not...
I've done that to someone who passed out...'s their fault for passing out on a wooden floor and having a staple gun in the house
kayokosaeki wrote:or they're gonna roll him on his back onto a hardwood floor, take a staple gun and staple his shirt and pants to the floor, less than an inch between each staple.
believe it or not...
I've done that to someone who passed out...'s their fault for passing out on a wooden floor and having a staple gun in the house
kayokosaeki wrote:or they're gonna roll him on his back onto a hardwood floor, take a staple gun and staple his shirt and pants to the floor, less than an inch between each staple.
omg lol
that is about the funniest thing i've ever heard
i have to do that sometime im somewhere where my parents don't care about the floor.....
well...he did say it was embarrassing...but I seriously doubt it's anything as teabagging.
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