Beckers wrote:Dnaiel was pretty goofy but I don't think Bree would use daniel in that way. She was deceptive in taking jonas' car but for her to lead Daniel on when there is nothing there does not seem like Bree.
What about Bree leading Daniel on about when the ceremony was? What about keeping from Daniel and Jonas both (people who are seemingly risking their own lives for her) any real info about her religion and what her father has told her?
I'd say leading Daniel on to work her own adgenda is right up Bree's alley!
And I agree with breeislonely. I haven't liked Bree in a while. She's not been very personable for weeks. Either too little kid, not taking things seriously, or too being mean to the people who care about her the most.
I haven't read all of the pages here, but I have read most of them. I just want to give my opinion. I believe Bree being the chosen one definitely has something to do with her virginity. I have all along. It kind of makes sense... you never hear about a cult needing the town whore to sacrifice. They need pure blood. I am sure Bree's dad told her this in thier meeting. Maybe (with better wording), Bree's dad did tell her to get laid. It may be the last (reasonable) attempt to get the order away. She will be lacking one of the main characteristic of the chosen one. Now, most likely this won't keep the order off her back. She knows too much at this point for them to let her just slide past. However, if someone told you that getting laid could possibly save your life, you would do it! It makes sense for Bree to go to the one she trust the most... Daniel. Of course... they may not have had sex yet. They may have decided to see if a video SAYING they had sex would get the order to back off, but if it doesn't, they will have to just do it. Whether or not they actually had sex, I think it is all just to get the order to back off. If it came down to sex or die, I am pretty sure Bree would choose sex and Daniel would not hesistate sticking it to Bree to save her life.
I am really curious about Jonas's character right now. I have this feeling that something will be coming out about him soon. Whether it is that he is a part of the order, or that he is Bree's biological brother, or something else crazy and off the wall... something is about to happen with Jonas...
I Lurker!! He is my King. I bow to no other.
You other girls better back it up! He is mine! Just ask him!!
I am BAFFLED by many of the posts in this thread cheering Daniel on.
"You da man, Dan!"
Not exact phrasing, but you get the general idea. In society we praise men and boys for sleeping with a lot of partners. They're studs for doing so, and yet women and girls, if they have sex with many partners she's a slut and it seems for women many can refer to as little as 5. I'm not intending to turn this into some sort of feminist rant or anything so I apologize if that's the direction I've taken this but I think we can't rule out the possibility that perhaps Bree is the predator this time around and Daniel is the prey. It would be a bit weird and seemingly out of character for Bree for all we know but thinking back to the last Jonas and Daniel video it's possible she could've seen it and felt she had something to prove.
Assuming they did have sex, it sounds to me as if Bree was the one to initiate it considering she was the one who kissed Daniel. And Daniel says the hug they shared was intense as well. To me it just implies it was all Bree's doing. So really, shouldn't we be saying YEAH BREE YOU GET YOURS if it did in fact happen? Besides, I think it's quite possible our Miss Bree is sitting back in her room with P. Monkey and Thor with a rather smug grin on her face while thinking to herself 'Now who kisses like a dead fish?'
Blackburne wrote: Besides, I think it's quite possible our Miss Bree is sitting back in her room with P. Monkey and Thor with a rather smug grin on her face while thinking to herself 'Now who kisses like a dead fish?'
That, or maybe Daniel was just so enamoured of her that he's thrilled despite the fact that she laid there counting ceiling tiles for the duration
EliCash wrote:Seems to me that everybody is taking the "not what you think" sentence out of context. Here's the context:
"It's not what you think. It's really just been something I think we've both wanted for awhile."
To me, that next sentence completes the thought. As in, Daniel believes this isn't just a 'crazy night.' He didn't want to give the impression that this was a random hook-up, which many people might think.
Also, he didn't brag. He simply told us what happened (we think). Just like Bree did with their first kiss.
okay, so, this has probably been said before, but i just thought about it, and i don't want to read through everything... BUT...
Could it be possible that this video was made to piss off the order, and/or make them stop wanting Bree because she's not "pure" enough for them anymore? Just a thought. Refer me to any pages where it's been discussed.
Blackburne wrote:I am BAFFLED by many of the posts in this thread cheering Daniel on.
Hey girl! He did lonelygirl15! Do you know how many little pervs out there are calling him names right now???? hmmmm... sorry!
Excuse me for interrupting your honorable feminist essay, but this is a phorum in teh internets, and no one here is actually speaking his mind like he would in congress. (Or maybe that's just the opposite and congress men would just love to....nevermind! )
Didn't you notice that stupid little smirk Daniel had on his face like he was sooooo proud to walk around (walk of shame, my ass!) and tell everyone he got some last night? Daniel's attitude called for this kind of slightly pathetic but still sort of funny shout outs. That was "in character" I would say.
(Guys, you owe me 20! each!)
this is me talking this is my evil twin talking
Ah so Bree and Daniel talked, hugged, kissed, and apparently slept together. Hmm.. i do not think anything happened but just the sleeping part like many others have thought. And Daniel felt guilty about it since he knows she is innocent to a lot of things. To me this video was a little corny but did give us info that Bree is starting to come around about her problems. It served its purpose i guess but i didn't really like it that much.
LLP is in the house fo rizzle.
Lonelygirl15: "Time for another episode of p-r-o-v-i-n-g s-c-i-e-n-c-e wronngggg!"
impulse wrote:Hey btw..I'm Casual did that happened? I don't wanna be Casual Observer! I wanna be Suspiciously Absent! How can I change that??
it changes with how many posts you have...
I think 25= 'casual Observer",the next change is at 150,I think...
The difference between Bree and Sarah is this ....
impulse wrote:Hey btw..I'm Casual did that happened? I don't wanna be Casual Observer! I wanna be Suspiciously Absent! How can I change that??
it changes with how many posts you have...
I think 25= 'casual Observer",the next change is at 150,I think...
130, i think, i just got upgraded the otherday i think it was about 130
God is not on the side of the big battalions but on the finest shots
I guess all we can really do is wait to see what Bree says about this.
Its all very well to go over ever single detail, but we cant know for sure untill Bree confirms what happened. For all we know, it could be just a lie to trick the order into stop following Bree as many people have pointed out, but we CANT KNOW FOR SURE.