**I am merging this topic with "General Community Discussion" because no one has posted on it in a while and it has very limited response. Thanks.,
Ambassador Marbella
That last OpAphid video made me feel physically nauseous near the end. This may take me a few mins to get over!!
My take on it was this: Daniel may have discovered that Bree's bedroom has been bugged all this time. Does that mean that Jonas is in on everything? Maybe. Maybe not.
OpAphid could have broken into the house and bugged it while all of them were out. This DOES show that they do have an interest in whether or not Bree keeps her purity bond.
That's the way I see it. I can see how others are seeing it as Daniel bugging Bree's room, or Jonas doing it, but I think it is just OpAphid. Jonas may or may not be involved.
Last edited by Marbella on Fri Feb 23, 2007 11:14 am, edited 1 time in total.
I'm pretty sure this was video of when Daniel discovered that his own room was bugged. Remember the video when, after he split from Bree and went home, he said he was having problems with his cell phone and figured out that there was a camera in his room? I think that was him walking around with his cell, figuring out where the interference was coming from, and finding the camera... So it happened a while ago...
yeah it's daniel room, no doubt about it, have you forgot that op's vid, home alone? http://one.revver.com/watch/112008 watch it again, it's daniel's room
Hello, I'm Jo.
And yeah, I'm a guy. Jo's just a nickname.
Alright, thanks to both of you. Main comment board commenters were commenting that it was Bree's room that was being bugged. I thought the bedspread, etc. looked like a girl's bed. Wasn't that an orange dust ruffle? I'll re-watch it. My visual memory sucks sometimes!!
Jo, I read your comments and Rosie's comments from late last night. As a result, my distrust in Jonas has really grown.
Marbella wrote:Alright, thanks to both of you. Main comment board commenters were commenting that it was Bree's room that was being bugged. I thought the bedspread, etc. looked like a girl's bed. Wasn't that an orange dust ruffle? I'll re-watch it. My visual memory sucks sometimes!!
Jo, I read your comments and Rosie's comments from late last night. As a result, my distrust in Jonas has really grown.
about the deacons calling him samyaza, that was one of the grigori, and grigori is the greek word to watchers? it's kinda strange but, i dont know if we can trust the deacons either
I actually do not trust the deacons either. I think they are fake. Besides, who cares what we call Jonas? Either we can trust him or not. I don't care if we call him Samyaza, Grigori, or HippoMan.
Well, then just read the transcripts on the LGPedia, that way you don't have to get all sicky feeling...I wouldn't want you to feel yucky, it would make me sad
It's official!! I'm getting married September 28, 2007!!
Yikes! That was like nails down a chalkboard. I saw it before. It flashes back and forth between Daniel's bedroom and Bree's and then shows them both in split-screen. So, how does that indicate in any way that the last video was Daniel's room?
So, let me try and give you the Cliffs notes version...Daniel mentioned in his video from a secret location that he found the camera's in his room because they interfered with his cell phone service. I believe that looking carefully at the bed linens is how some people came to the conclusion that it was his bedroom at home. So what Op is doing is show how he found the camera's...but it could have been exactly what she wanted, per the audio from her latest video.
It's official!! I'm getting married September 28, 2007!!