Is Bree Mentally Challenged?

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Post by Annabelle »

watermelonhead wrote:I'm glad she's wacko. How exciting would this series be if it was about a level headed girl who eats oatmeal and reads a book at the library all day?
How exciting would this series be if it was about a girl sitting around with her friend saying "She ate cookies" and her big entrance from her room being "Thanks, other male character." And then she calls people. And says "That didn't go anywhere."

Oh wait, it is that exciting..

I was excited for awhile about this, and now the excitement is dropping again... rapidly. I'm beginning to think we'll never see a resolution to this story line.. I'm beginning to think we'll never even see the action in this story line...

I mean really, the Creators have us hooked, and it's been like a three month cliffhanger.. really, they could keep us hanging indefinitely, all that matters to them is that the viewers keep coming to see what happens, and the ad revenue keeps rolling in.. :shock:
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Re: Is Bree Mentally Challenged?

Post by krmurr87 »

onetruegnome wrote:
childofmetis wrote:
Jengels2002 wrote:I do not think this girl is playing with a full deck of cards. I mean, what kind of moron sits in a park talking to a stuffed animal?

What do you think?
I thought she might be, actually. Maybe she has some form of autism?
I have often wondered if she has Asperger's the so-called 'high-functioning autism'.
I highly doubt she has Aspergers...I've worked with a number of children who do and she'd be the most socially advanced Aspergers child I'd ever met. don't quote me on this though I'm just a PT aid.
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Post by gogo »

Nah, I don't figure Asperger's because she has too many social skills and doesn't seem obsessed by certain topics. I've worked with a variety of students with this condition, and (although every person is different) Bree doesn't seem as socially awkward and as non-empathetic as the "typical" person with Asperger's. (By non-empathetic, I don't mean that those with Asperger's are mean; they just sometimes have a hard time seeing things from other people's points-of-view.)

Interesting idea, though.
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Post by RiverFleur »

I sort of agree with the theory that she has some kind of 'mental disorder', I mean it's kind of weird to have conversations with your stuffed animals when your 16+ years old.

I also am leaning towards the split-personality disorder thing, how she created Cassie as a way to cope with her rejection from her classmates.

Whatever the case, I agree she's a bit odd in the head. And she's smart too, genius comes hand-in-hand with madness...
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Post by sidewalkflight »

Whatever her state of mind is now, I wonder if the Creators will have her go through some sort of post-traumatic illness... if it was real life she certainly would.
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Post by kristin »

I wondered about this myself a bit before I read this thread. There are a few options I'm considering.

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder: I don't think she had a normal childhood. The ceremony itself and their consequent time on the run would have been enough to send a sane person into some sort of state in which he or she could talk to a stuffed monkey, but seeing as this behavior preceded the plot we've been privy too (P. Monkey's been a fixture since the beginning) but something must have happened to Bree prior to the videos if this is the explanation.

Autism: I think this is a definite possibility. Bree appears to be incredibly intelligent, but is somewhat lacking in social skills and emotional maturity. Her reluctance to have a relationship with Daniel might also come into play here.
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Mental Disorder

Post by CandyCoated »

If she has a mental disorder, would she still be seen as fit for the ceremony? I don't think they would still want to use her, but that is just my opinon. Nothing wrong with mental disorders, not saying the people who have them aren't normal..but I think the order would want someone more stable and pure bre(e)d.
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Post by Beckers »

mental disorders do not have to be a disadvantage. I couldn't imagine my life without my mental helps me in a lot of ways.
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Re: joke

Post by JustAnotherLonelyGirl. »

platypusrex256 wrote:
what kind of moron sits in a park talking to a stuffed animal?
same kind of person who likes the mets! j/k

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Post by butterfly »

I think it's very simple.
Bree is a very intelligent girl, but she's a product of her environment.
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