As a viewer since the end of the summer, (during the forced “outing”), I have been patient, so I am not asking for suggestions about how to be patient and look for clues. I just want some suggestions about how to approach and view this series with the same excitement I did in the late summer and early fall.
I appreciate Trainer’s concise list of what we have known since Bree and Daniel split up after being homeless (What we know so far). However, there are some issues that are nagging at me from before the homelessness situation. I wonder about things that we don’t know so far or that some viewers (like me) hope will be addressed.
What we don’t know so far:
- Where does Crowley fit in?
- Is there anything relevant about the science teacher and the public school issue?
- What about that girl named Cassie (not CiW, but the track-walker who people were so mean to according to Bree)?
- Why the cookie contest (and a 12 out of 10)?
- What about the ox and cart folktale?
- Did the bibliomancy tell us anything we should keep in mind?
- What about the ceremony and fake ceremony?
I guess I do feel a bit discouraged because I am rather burnt out from seeking out clues and researching in vain. (Did they place the hallway rug at a 45 degree angle to signify something? Does Bree’s nail polish color symbolize something? Does the logo on the bench next to the window mean anything? Etc.) I am just not sure about my role as a viewer. Now, understand that I am not looking for a total reveal of every detail here (of course, that would be no fun and serve no purpose). However, there as been such little resolution of earlier issues that I feel like every suggestion/theory people bring up is a puny needle in some haystack that is stands in a field of some distant farm in an undisclosed county in some state that I have never been to.
Oh, and I am not insulting anyone or anything. If I could do better in creating a series like this, you would have heard, read and seen lonelygogo15 a long time ago, and would have purchased the myriad products I would have been pushing (lonelygogo15 tee shirts, boxer short, toothpaste, body wash, flatware, sweat socks, car air fresheners, dog treats, a line of feminine hygiene products, etc.). But I can’t and didn’t, so you won’t. (However, I would have been ruthless in my pursuit of money, I am afraid to say, and you probably wouldn't have watched for very long because I wouldn't be so patient with fans- I'd be banning people who had the slightest concern or suggestion about lonelygogo15. I can be a jerk, sometimes.)
I do want to be a fan of lonelygirl15, though. What support can others give to help me get my excitement back? I don’t want to be a Cynical Cindy, Negative Nelly or Whiny Wendy. (I wanna be a gung-ho gogo!)
I am leaving for work now and in the hopes for getting my gung-ho spirit back, I look forward to any replies and suggestions from others. Thanks in advance.