autumneternal wrote:
On a more serious note, I hope they don't go down the road of an eating disorder or anything like that. It'd just add another unnecessary element to all the bigger issues already going on.
This is suppose to be PG. I really dont see them giving her an eating disorder. Lord know's, there are enough young girls out there that struggle with, their body image! I dont think thats really what the creators are going for. I would really hope this is something, they would not throw in there. I would hope they were smarter then that. I dont think showing millions of young girls that it's o.k. to be anorexic, or even bullimic . Not a good move on their part, if it came down to that. Just my opinion.
If you don't like it. All I can tell you to do is, get over it!
If Jonas is very used to talking about his feelings...maybe its because he's seen psychiatrists before. After his parents disappeared, I'm sure he met with someone to help him get over the tragic event. But also, maybe he has some other kind of problem.
And again there was a reference to Bree's mom. She told her daughter that crying was a sign of weakness? This shows again that Bree's mom was the authority in the house...but the way she told Bree that...was it in a motherly comforting tone, or did she tell Bree in a commanding tone? A lot of pagan faiths deal with the woman being the higher icon. I wonder how much Bree really knows about her 'mom'. I'm going to leave Bree a message in her chat forum regarding her to tell us more information about them.
And what kind of mental exercise did Jonas do??
What ever happened to that girl BA?
BA Tells Lies.
Some things are secret for a reason.
There are people whose lives are dedicated to keeping them that way.
when he opened the bathroom door, i was expecting him to find something wierd she has been hiding coz she seemed to be like and on edge when he came in
my name is josh, not iamcool or iam or cool
cooltron5000 is also accepted
My lawyers told me to edit the content of this signature so i didn't get sued
Me and Oobles are 'TWAT's - 'The Worldwide Association of Threadjacking'
I skimmed the other pages and didn't see this mentioned (sorry if it was already) but did anyone notice how Bree was hugging Thor, but rejecting P. Monkey and Owen? Any significance there?
Isn't Thor supposed to be the animal who gets mad and fights? Maybe we'll be seing Bree get it together, get mad and fight the order?
Also the Johnson's bottle looks like the Johnson's Head to Toe Baby Wash. Not sure why some orphaned bazillionaire teen would have that. Johnson's Lotion is usually in a pink bottle with a flippy lid. This looks more yellow with a squirty lid ( I think those are the technical terms, lol!)
And one last point -- that bathroom looked NOTHING like what I would think a bathroom in a mansion would look like. It had two doors, which indicates two bedrooms share it. Also, that thing hanging on the wall to hold bottles is just...ugly. And it's about the size of the bathroom in my middle class house. I would just think it would be bigger and a little fancier in the house of the boy who can afford to just play for a living.
silvermoon wrote:I skimmed the other pages and didn't see this mentioned (sorry if it was already) but did anyone notice how Bree was hugging Thor, but rejecting P. Monkey and Owen? Any significance there?
Isn't Thor supposed to be the animal who gets mad and fights? Maybe we'll be seing Bree get it together, get mad and fight the order?
Also the Johnson's bottle looks like the Johnson's Head to Toe Baby Wash. Not sure why some orphaned bazillionaire teen would have that. Johnson's Lotion is usually in a pink bottle with a flippy lid. This looks more yellow with a squirty lid ( I think those are the technical terms, lol!)
And one last point -- that bathroom looked NOTHING like what I would think a bathroom in a mansion would look like. It had two doors, which indicates two bedrooms share it. Also, that thing hanging on the wall to hold bottles is just...ugly. And it's about the size of the bathroom in my middle class house. I would just think it would be bigger and a little fancier in the house of the boy who can afford to just play for a living.
One of those doors leads into the hall, it looks like the other is a closet... but I agree, it is not what i would imagine to be in a mansion.
That is Johnsons head to toe baby wash.
My sister uses it because she is allergic to all other body washes, but can we really make that assumption?
It is a bit strange for three teenagers to have baby wash.
But you can call me chisa chan.... or cheese.
Vote 'mute in '08! - because Paris Hilton and P. Diddy will both talk about it for months without acctually doing it themselves.
"Celebrate we will for life is short but sweet for certain."
Running into the bathroom isn't that wierd guys. When i used to get in fights with an ex of mine I always ran into the bathroom, it supposed to be the one place you are not disturbed.
i too was a little uneasy when she ran to the bathroom. i had a sinking feeling of her coming out with her wrists slit. I was 17 when my mom died and I can relate to the isolation. I dont even think i really cried till later down the road. And mom died from cancer. nothing as random and violent as brees dad. so i cant say how she should or shouldnt be acting.
none of us really can.
Daniel....sigh...ive really grown to love this character, and dont want to see him leave. hell, even jonas is starting to grow on me.
Actually I think that he as an actor is getting comfortable with the 'not so normal' conditions that an actors used to being around.
i have no idea whats going to happen next. but i think its going to be huge.