[VIDEO] Tachyon "Gemma Part IV"

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Post by Danielle »

I'm gonna put money down on the fact that this game will start hardcore enough in time for me to mess up priorities and ignore my exams.

Anyone care to wager?
<DTayl> actually i'm the bad sister
<DTayl> i drink, i stay out too late, i swear, i'm mean, i spend too much money and i got a tattoo
<DTayl> Laura turned 9
<DTayl> i'm the bad sister
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Post by Luv2Luvem »

Danielle wrote:I'm gonna put money down on the fact that this game will start hardcore enough in time for me to mess up priorities and ignore my exams.

Anyone care to wager?
Yes because they time it just to mess with you. You are just that special.

/me ducks :smt016
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I shall get some rest when the profile tells me to.
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Post by Mordrack »

Danielle wrote:I'm gonna put money down on the fact that this game will start hardcore enough in time for me to mess up priorities and ignore my exams.

Anyone care to wager?
Since my exams are at the end of the month, I'd bet that the new arc will begin in 2 weeks.
If your exams are around the same time, then I think you could be right. :(
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Post by raigne »

Mordrack wrote:
Danielle wrote:I'm gonna put money down on the fact that this game will start hardcore enough in time for me to mess up priorities and ignore my exams.

Anyone care to wager?
Since my exams are at the end of the month, I'd bet that the new arc will begin in 2 weeks.
If your exams are around the same time, then I think you could be right. :(
I'd like to third that.
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Post by violagoddess »

I just hope something happens soon, to give me something to do while I'm on the road for work!

Post by covedweller »

For the level of time we all invest playing the game, any extra wait is worthwhile for a few reasons. Mostly we can get our lives in order and at the same time, the better the next arc is the the more it'll be worth it to ignore our lives all over again! :lol:
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