0111 "45 Seconds" [1/8/07]

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Post by thelogicpuzzler »

Just wanted to point out house's interesting thought, even if the vids don't support it. Anyways, we're all talking about this film, Zapruder. Besides that note, anyone notice Jonas' emphasis on over and over. It'd be nice if some of the really observant people who are good with electronics to take a look at "The Unthinkable Happened", maybe some slow-mo technology, lighten up the picture and stuff like that, for some clarification of what was going on.
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Post by iamcool »

someone has already posted a slowed down version, but it doesnt show much

he could have been saying that coz we missed something.... hmmmm
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Post by curiousGeorge »

Maybe there was more than one shooter, a la the infamous Grassy Knoll theory. There WAS another shooter out and about that day although I don't think they were working together...

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Post by Chartreuse »

... am I the only one who found Jonas completely huggable in this one? o.o Seriously, I want one.

Re: Hesitation. Okay, some people don't handle emergencies and stress very well. In crisis situations, I freeze up. I can't think straight, and I certainly can't make spur-of-the-moment decisions. My mom, on the other hand, is like, okay do this, now go here, and just very controlled and calm.

Daniel is obviously the calm one. We've seen that. I just think that Jonas isn't. Besides, he's curious. He wants to see what's going on. And honestly? He was holding the camera, too.

Okay, we've had action, we've had three videos of introspection, revelation, and analysis. LET'S GET BACK TO SOME ACTION NOW!!
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Post by EEVEE »

I tried looking at 45 seconds into the "unthinkable happened" video and 45 seconds into when they first see bree in the garage. I don't know I thought maybe there was something but no.

Do you you think 45 seconds has got to do with something?
I mean he just mentioned it felt like for what he thought was roughly 45 seconds very nonchalantly. and it's the title of this video?
For something he just mentioned briefly? :? :?
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Post by Chartreuse »

PS: I've also heard about the Zapruder film. Random thought: It looks like the driver did it.

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Post by EEVEE »

curiousGeorge wrote:Maybe there was more than one shooter, a la the infamous Grassy Knoll theory. There WAS another shooter out and about that day although I don't think they were working together...

That would tie in with the theory that maybe brother was there.
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Post by girlAnachronism »

I'm 18 and had never heard of the clip called the Zapruder film, though I've seen it plenty of times. (One memorable history class where my teacher played it in slow motion :smt019 )
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Post by girlAnachronism »

Wait,if Jonas is 19, can we assume he graduated from High School? What about college? He has the resources...and he seems [somewhat] intelligent. Not to mention he has no life other than rescuing random folk from the internet.

And whatever happened to the Beast's classes? Did he just drop out when he found Oppy spying on him?
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Re: A few of my observations about the video

Post by Missa ChoCho »

kristin wrote: I would have expected more descriptions of blood and gore and brains leaking out on the asphalt. Clearly he got a decent look at the scene after the supposed gunshot, better at least than Daniel or Bree have admitted to, but he didn't find it worth noting that there was some kind of carnage left behind.
Actually when you shoot somebody it leaves very little if any blood.
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Post by autumneternal »

thelogicpuzzler wrote:Just wanted to point out house's interesting thought, even if the vids don't support it. Anyways, we're all talking about this film, Zapruder. Besides that note, anyone notice Jonas' emphasis on over and over. It'd be nice if some of the really observant people who are good with electronics to take a look at "The Unthinkable Happened", maybe some slow-mo technology, lighten up the picture and stuff like that, for some clarification of what was going on.
iamcool wrote:someone has already posted a slowed down version, but it doesnt show much

he could have been saying that coz we missed something.... hmmmm
Just wanted to toss a note in here that Jonas did say that he had been reviewing the raw footage, which, to me, suggests that he's looking at the unedited footage, some, possibly most, of which we didn't see.

So someone can mess with the video all they want, but, unless we have the complete raw footage that Jonas presumably has, we won't be able to deduce much of anything. (I also think that we're to assume that they edited out the more gruesome parts of the act of Bree's 'father' getting shot for the sake of the viewers.)
Jonas is no Bruce Wayne, but he is a mild-mannered millionare with a secret identity.
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Post by toile »

house wrote:When Jonas said, "there was a blonde woman." I automatically thought it might've been Bree's mother. It would certainly explain Bree's comment about "not talking to her mother for a long time." If she watched her mother assist Baldy McCreepy in getting daddy in the trunk, or restraining him, I'd think Bree would automatically take the info she'd just been given by her father, paired with her "mother" helping kill her "father" and decide never to speak to her again. I mean, Lucy isn't the only blonde woman we've seen before. Just something to poinder.
I'm sure someone has brought this up before, but perhaps Lucy is Bree's real mom?
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Post by iamcool »

autumneternal wrote:
thelogicpuzzler wrote:Just wanted to point out house's interesting thought, even if the vids don't support it. Anyways, we're all talking about this film, Zapruder. Besides that note, anyone notice Jonas' emphasis on over and over. It'd be nice if some of the really observant people who are good with electronics to take a look at "The Unthinkable Happened", maybe some slow-mo technology, lighten up the picture and stuff like that, for some clarification of what was going on.
iamcool wrote:someone has already posted a slowed down version, but it doesnt show much

he could have been saying that coz we missed something.... hmmmm
Just wanted to toss a note in here that Jonas did say that he had been reviewing the raw footage, which, to me, suggests that he's looking at the unedited footage, some, possibly most, of which we didn't see.

So someone can mess with the video all they want, but, unless we have the complete raw footage that Jonas presumably has, we won't be able to deduce much of anything. (I also think that we're to assume that they edited out the more gruesome parts of the act of Bree's 'father' getting shot for the sake of the viewers.)
it didnt look like it was edited at all from when they got out to of the car to getting back in

i dont think he has much more footage of the bit than we do
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Re: A few of my observations about the video

Post by autumneternal »

Missa ChoCho wrote:
kristin wrote: I would have expected more descriptions of blood and gore and brains leaking out on the asphalt. Clearly he got a decent look at the scene after the supposed gunshot, better at least than Daniel or Bree have admitted to, but he didn't find it worth noting that there was some kind of carnage left behind.
Actually when you shoot somebody it leaves very little if any blood.
I think that depends solely on the type of gun being fired, the range at which it's being fired, and the point of impact.

As a forensic nut, I've viewed many post-mortem pictures of people who have committed suicide by shotgun, and there certainly is a ton of blood and gore. I imagine that if one individual were to shoot another individual with a shotgun at point-blank range, the results would be the same. Even the Zapruder film which is referenced in Jonas' video and many times in this thread shows the carnage a gunshot can do.

Presumably, the gunshot heard in the parking garage was speculated to be a .22, or something of that nature, I believe, so perhaps that particular gun shot at arm's length or more wouldn't leave much blood or carnage behind.
Jonas is no Bruce Wayne, but he is a mild-mannered millionare with a secret identity.
He's HamsterMan, and his parents' bedroom is really the entrance to the HamsterCave.

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Re: A few of my observations about the video

Post by EEVEE »

Missa ChoCho wrote:
kristin wrote: I would have expected more descriptions of blood and gore and brains leaking out on the asphalt. Clearly he got a decent look at the scene after the supposed gunshot, better at least than Daniel or Bree have admitted to, but he didn't find it worth noting that there was some kind of carnage left behind.
Actually when you shoot somebody it leaves very little if any blood.

And anyway people are already saying Jonas is being disrespectful to Bree's feelings. How would you feel if he started to go into the gore and "oh it was everywhere", I know I'd think he was a jerk.
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