You Can Help Bree

Chat with jonastko. Where are his parents, anyway?

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You Can Help Bree

Post by nobackspacebutton »


You did a lot of searching for your parents...maybe you should help Bree search for hers? I'm sure you have plenty of resources and know where to start. ^_^

What ever happened to that girl BA?

BA Tells Lies.

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Post by Volkno »

That maybe a good idea. But she may not want to know...
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Post by Claramata »

Volkno wrote:That maybe a good idea. But she may not want to know...
I'm assuming you mean her biological parents, and not the "adoptive" ones. It's a good idea, but it could be too soon to bring this up to Bree.

But Jonas, you should let Bree know that you have the resources to help her find them, if in fact you do, but don't do it just yet. Give her time to grieve and find her footing again. Then you and Beast have to help her start digging for the truth in this convoluted mess of lies and puzzles.
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Post by Girlie16 »

Claramata wrote:
Volkno wrote:That maybe a good idea. But she may not want to know...
I'm assuming you mean her biological parents, and not the "adoptive" ones. It's a good idea, but it could be too soon to bring this up to Bree.

But Jonas, you should let Bree know that you have the resources to help her find them, if in fact you do, but don't do it just yet. Give her time to grieve and find her footing again. Then you and Beast have to help her start digging for the truth in this convoluted mess of lies and puzzles.
Also there part of the order to thats how she was given away in the first place unless she was kidnapped and anyways they would be watchin the biological parents 2 lol.
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