Amandety20 wrote:Dec 31st wasn't there a movie released with Gemma jumping over a wall from what looks like a car park? It said "fire at will" or something? Could it be that the shot we heard was that and not Bree's dad dying?
For some reason, when I saw 'fire at will,' it brought on an uproar of maniacal laughter (yeah, that was from me). I wish it had said THAT in the vid instead of whatever it said.
So, basically the title of this thread sums up what is swimming around in my head concerning the LG15 series. I’ve been thinking about what The Creators could possibly come up with that’ll shock us, there are so many different paths they could take us down. Many different possibilities have been mentioned on these boards. Some think that The Order is still after Bree and that eventually she will have to perform her part in the ceremony. Others theorize that the plot has turned away from “religion” and towards…medicine (for lack of better word) with the Epogen and what not.
But what frustrates me the most is that it doesn’t seem like the videos will be getting terribly exciting soon. In the last video, “My Dad Said…” Bree admits that she would rather not talk to anyone right now. So does that mean that the next few videos are going to be from Daniel and/or Jonas? How far can the plot go with just Daniel and Jonas?
Earlier in this thread someone mentioned that Bree would have to finally confess about what her dad said. In the last video, Bree tells us that her father told us that he is not her real father. Bree indirectly says that her mother is not her mother, as well. She also mentions that she won’t be talking to her mother anytime soon. However, there are many different possible implications that could come out of this phrase and it pisses me off so much that we can’t/don’t know the correct one.
Another idea said here was Bree getting kidnapped by The Order. I for some reason doubt it. How are they going to make videos without Bree? Wait, I take that back…Although we’ve seen many videos that did not have Bree in them (for example, Daniel breaking and entering into Lucy’s home, the warehouse, Jonas talking about himself, etc.), I feel that something major would be missing if she were kidnapped. But, I think that it’s quite possible that Daniel and/or Jonas could be kidnapped. That would probably snap Bree into action. Bree isn’t necessarily fighting for anything anymore, the parents she grew up with aren’t really her parents, I don’t know if she feels obligated to do anything now, especially when she said that she wasn’t going to talk to her mother anytime soon. But, if one of her friends (living, not stuffed) were kidnapped, Bree would definitely have a reason for playing the offensive (as it was mentioned here).
The idea that the ceremony might not be as sinister as we thought initially was also brought up here (I know that the chocolates were a joke, but the foundation of the joke is what I’m workin’ on). I really, really doubt that the ceremony was a light-hearted situation. I mean, they have guns, and they aren’t afraid of using them in somewhat-public places! What does that tell you about The Order?
Ugh, there’s so much stuff that could happen that I’m afraid that many questions won’t be answered. The Creators want this series to last as long as possible (which I am completely for), but they’re so many twists in the plot…I’m worried that they won’t answer everything. I mean, will we ever know what was in the note that Bree got that was shoved in P. Monkey? Will we ever know what the connection to Epogen is? What about The Order? Remember when we all thought it was Thelema (especially with the fricken’ symbol on the front page)? Will we ever know more about her supposed-religion? What about Lucy? Plus all the other fantastic questions that have been raised...will we ever get these answers?
The last video made me intellectually frustrated. I. Just. Need. Some. Answers. Now.
PS: Sorry if anything I’ve said above has been mentioned before. I’m a “n00b.”