0110 "My Dad Said..." [1/5/07]

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Post by Luv2Skydive »

essie wrote:When she says.

"My father went through this recently, which is why they wanted to get together"..

What exactly is "this" ... Did he realize his parents aren't his birth parents?

Second thought, could Bree have been stolen from another mom... sort of like the "chosen one" So she would be chosen to first go through with ceremony and then go through to be the Head leader of their cult?
My first thought was he didn't know he wasn't Bree's father....like the mom faked the pregnancy then took someone else's baby. It happens.
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Post by kellylen »

Marilee wrote:
kellylen wrote:This kind of brings up a matrixy feeling to me, how the humans were raised in the eggs just to serve a purpose of energy. Maybe Bree is like that and the order steals babies from the hospital giving it to order parents to raise and not get close or attached to, only to kill the kids in the end.

ok that sounds a little off the deep end lol
Or maybe the order members adopted babies that were given up voluntarily? Maybe a reason why they didn't feel bad about injecting them with things and lying to them. the children were only there to further the growth of the order? Maybe that made sense...
unless they adopted the babies to do some kind of sacrifice to them.

it makes you wonder if bree's "parents" had to go through this.
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Post by lookinginonyou »

I don't really see why "mom" would want "dad" dead. If they're together, it's probably safe to assume they are married. I don't see why someone who made a life-commitment would want the other partner killed. It doesn't make sense to me. I said the same thing in another thead in the Plot Discussion about "mom" and "dad". My cents..
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Post by omegawoman »

I have a very close friend who adopted a baby that the agency called a "bred baby". This child was bred special for a sacrifice. The parents of this child were chosen for certian character traits. Apparantly it was all a part of some weird satanic cult. The baby was to be sacrificed around the age of 3, and there were several other children as well. This brings back memories of this adoption.

BTW- the little girl is now an adult and doing fine.
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Post by Neptune »

krig wrote:
parakeet100 wrote:
essie wrote:I don't know why.. but I have this feeling that two sets of missing parents.. I'm not sure if it's been ever raised before but what if Jonas and Bree are actually siblings! Maybe her real parents are Jonas. And they were murdered by the Order and then.... I don't know. Interesting twist though. I remember reading in previous thread that someone predicted that Bree's dad wasn't Bree's dad. Video is a bit laggy on revver I'm excited! Bree seems more grown up now.. and the whole series.. just got a lot more.. serious.. More serious then what I'd prefer. Yeah. That's all I have to say before I finish watching the whole video. So happy I'm on PAGE 3 =)
You might be right. It's like Star Wars or something...
Which would make Danielbeast the Han Solo of this story! I am excited...maybe we will see a bit more B and D romance after all!

no, that would make the "BEAST" the chewbacca of the story! LOL
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Post by parakeet100 »

omegawoman wrote:I have a very close friend who adopted a baby that the agency called a "bred baby". This child was bred special for a sacrifice. The parents of this child were chosen for certian character traits. Apparantly it was all a part of some weird satanic cult. The baby was to be sacrificed around the age of 3, and there were several other children as well. This brings back memories of this adoption.

BTW- the little girl is now an adult and doing fine.
Wow, did she grow up knowing her history? That's heavy.
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Post by krig »

Neptune wrote:
krig wrote:
parakeet100 wrote: You might be right. It's like Star Wars or something...
Which would make Danielbeast the Han Solo of this story! I am excited...maybe we will see a bit more B and D romance after all!

no, that would make the "BEAST" the chewbacca of the story! LOL
Neptune, LMAO!!!

But seriously, the injections, the bioengineering....it makes me think of the Matrix, as someone else suggested above. Maybe Daniel needs to go back to the warehouse and snoop around a bit more for baby breeding facilities!

EDIT: just for typos
Last edited by krig on Fri Jan 05, 2007 11:36 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by omegawoman »

parakeet100 wrote:
omegawoman wrote:I have a very close friend who adopted a baby that the agency called a "bred baby". This child was bred special for a sacrifice. The parents of this child were chosen for certian character traits. Apparantly it was all a part of some weird satanic cult. The baby was to be sacrificed around the age of 3, and there were several other children as well. This brings back memories of this adoption.

BTW- the little girl is now an adult and doing fine.
Wow, did she grow up knowing her history? That's heavy.
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Post by trainer101 »

Luv2Skydive wrote:I mentioned it too when I talked about the Illuminati stealing babies from hospitals and that it wouldn't be hard for him to do whatever he's done to her medically if she's not really his.
Hehehe.... we're baaaaack... /.\
Can you post the link to that thread? I'd like to check it out again.
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Post by 04SSHD »

wow, poor Bree...she looks really tore up...
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Post by arammat »

kellylen wrote:I thought I heard her say that her mom isn't her mom either

maybe im wrong.
I thought so too, so I watched it again. She definitely says her dad isn't her real dad and her mom isn't her real mom. Her dad told her this before he.... and then she trails off. I took that to mean before he died.
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Post by oleandereyes »

I don't know. This is going to get harder to watch now.
I love LG15, but the adopted storyline really hits home for me, as my birth parents didn't want me either...
I don't want to be forced to think about issues I try and watch these videos to be able to escape from the realities of my own life. Of course I realize that I'm being dramatic, but...eh... I felt like ranting to someone about it.
By the way, I think Bree is going to try and kill herself. "I don't want to feel anything"? Sounds like a sign.
Anyway, sorry about the drama folks, I'm not going to stop watching LG15 just because I was adopted too and it's "painful" for me to watch the commercialism of a teenage girls coming of age story in the middle of chaos, when its very very real for others, but.. Just had to state my opinion that one and only time.
Guess it's time to get my head out of the clouds and realize that this is fiction, for entertainment, and nothing more. No one cares about the real life stories surrounding us when "more exciting" and popular stories are staring us in the face in the media.
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Post by AniDonia »

That's some good acting!

The first scenario that popped into my head was that the got a fertilized egg implanted in her, or someone else's sperm. I'm inclined to think there is something genetically special about Bree, and that she was chosen for the ceremony, or whatever it is, a long time before this summer when she was told of it.

This really sheds more light on why the Order wants Bree, and only Bree so much. She was probably "special" before she was born.

Another thing is that even though it seems that her mom wears the pants in her parents' marriage, she also supported Bree in her stance in not participating in the ceremony, she also helped write the note, and she also left with the Order so that Bree would get away. I don't think her mom willingly set her dad up to this, or was working for the Order all along. ESPECIALLY if they have been trying to figure out the contents of Bree's note--(i.e. through Gemma, through the ransacking... etc) If Bree's mom was working for them, she would have told them already.
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Post by laurenesque »

It seems to me that Mom knows stuff Dad didn't know-- like perhaps Mom intended for Bree to go through with the ceremony anyway? In any case, I've had this nagging feeling that Bree is going to (or at least consider) "give" herself up in order to find out more about whatever it is that her father told her. I might be really off, but it's been poking at my brain ever since she vanished to meet up with him.
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Post by bethy »

Watching this again and really listening to what she's saying...it sounds as if her father didn't know he wasn't the father either. She mentioned his mid-life crisis now being her teenage crisis and how she doesn't want to talk to her mother.

That might explain why she met her father alone. I know that was a bit nagging for me that they wouldn't both meet up with her.

Make me think that her mother is a bit a...well.... :twisted:
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