Though it's not something to congratulate someone for, I applaud Bree for maintaining her composure while speaking to us; that must have been very tough (sidenote: I also applaud Jessica's performance as Bree, and agree that it is her best one to date). Here are my theories as to the identity of Bree's real parents:
* Higher ranking members of the Order
* Other Order members, same level as Bree's adopted parents
* Lower ranking members of the Order (gotta cover all the bases

* Biotechnologists who created Bree in a lab
So I suppose Bree's adopted dad might be dead

. But which mom was Bree talking about in her video, her real mom or her adopted mom? If the latter, perhaps Bree doesn't want to talk to her because Bree's adopted dad informed her that her adopted mom somehow tipped off Bree's pursuers to Bree's location. Or, Bree's adopted mom strongly favored her daughter's involvement in the ceremony and Bree's adopted dad had reservations about it. Or as an alternative to the first "mom theory", Bree's adopted mom fully cooperated with her "captors", telling them everything they wanted to know (Bree's friends, stuffed animals, relationship with her adopted father, etc.). If Bree was talking about her real mom, I guess that her real mom didn't really love her, and perhaps thought of her as a title (Goddess, Savior, Princess, what-have-you) rather than a daughter.