0109 "Bree's Dad Is Dead" [1/3/07]

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Post by EEVEE »

I really don't think that means anything.
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Post by betz28 »

grellen wrote:OK, I read most of these pages but not all, so forgive me if someone posed this theory already, but how about...

The man we know as Bree's dad is not really her dad. Her real dad/parents died long ago and the Order assigned people to raise her in preparation for the ceremony. During her talk with her "dad," Bree learns the truth and thus mourns the loss of her real father some time in the past.

Just an idea...

i can see that
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Post by Virginia »

grellen wrote:OK, I read most of these pages but not all, so forgive me if someone posed this theory already, but how about...

The man we know as Bree's dad is not really her dad. Her real dad/parents died long ago and the Order assigned people to raise her in preparation for the ceremony. During her talk with her "dad," Bree learns the truth and thus mourns the loss of her real father some time in the past.

Just an idea...
Like DaVince code? Hmmm...
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Post by Dena81 »

Chartreuse wrote:I noticed the "bree with arms out facing the water" similarities to "cassie with arms out facing the water" too. Hey, CiW wasn't canon, but seriously, just add that to the growing list of recent Cassie allusions. One of these days, the *real* Cassie is just going to waltz into Jonas' house and be like, "here I am, this is what happened to me," and then have some important role to play in the plot.

Sidenote, with all of these Cassie's running around... Creators, if you do bring in an ACTUAL, CANON CASSIE, don't let her make videos on her own first because we're all sick of fake Cassies. Just let her in on a canon video and BOOM, we won't have to jump through all of the "is she canon" hoops.

Anyhow... this video didn't say a whole lot, but if your father died suddenly, would you put a lot into an informational video?

However, I do wish that, while DBeast took care of Bree out there on the beach, Jonas would have turned to the camera (since Jonas is pretty much like us fans personified) and gave us a LITTLE bit of explanation. I felt like they were ignoring all of our questions after 2, 3 days.

But at least this video DID prove that it wasn't Bree or Jonas that got shot... I know those were the other two distinct possibilities by the analysis of the last video. So it did clear that up.

I personally like the theory that Bree's Dad is "dead" because he betrayed Bree. That would go with that "Bree's dad standing there in the garage and then walking towards Lucy and the deacon" theory, and would go along with the "you're dead to me" definition of dead.

I dunno. We need a new video and FAST.
For one...can we all stop the CiW screencap comparisons? I can't look at that pic without wanting to vomit for all the time we all wasted in SL waiting for some clue or just...anything! Secondly, I think it was 1.) Purely coincidental and 2.) People looking too into something that really doesn't look THAT exactly alike.

Secondly, if Cassie does just come in and say "Hey guys it's me!" that'll bum me out big time. All of these characters popping up are ARGs and even LG15 has certain ARG elements in them and I think that's what draws us, the whole mystery. Yes, it'd be great to have everything explained to us but then it'd lose the whole mystery element to you. And, I don't know about the rest of you but if I have the Creators saying "Ok we did so and so and so and for this reason and this is what happened" and all that, I'd just feel like "That's it?" and then not want to watch anything or deal with it. This is what keeps us glued to it, the whole speculating, "What happened" "Is he dead or isn't he?". In a weird way, it's fun!

Also, as for Jonas not explaining things. You gotta think about it from his viewpoint. Yes, he represents "us" in a way but think about how you'd react if you just offered this person a place to hide out in and next thing you know someone's shot and perhaps dead or God only knows what. I think I'd be pretty much in shock myself, and you can kind of see it on his face when the camera looks to him. He has just kind of this deep thought look. Hell, if I were him I'd be thinking "WTH did I get myself into?!" But that's just me =P

My theory on the whole thing? Man I think I have tons x.x.

1. He isn't dead, he actually planned this from the get-go himself (remember how he planned out the ingenius code for Bree so she could go meet him? Plus we still don't know what they talked about at the cafe. Again this isn't a very stable theory but it's a theory none-the-less).

2. He isn't dead but the Order planned this. I know many think this is a more stable theory than B, D, & J plotting it but I keep thinking about the wording used in the title of the video and the "RIP Bree's Dad". I just keep feeling that if THEY believed he was dead the words might be a bit deeper, as someone said "Passed away" or "murdered" instead of just dead or maybe even "has died" but just putting "Bree's dad is dead" seems so distant...

3. LonelyDad15 is dead in the sense of betrayl. I thought about that too, like dead as in an abstract sense but I looked at the tags and "memory" "tranquil" didn't seem to scream out "Betrayl" and "You're dead to me!". It could also mean maybe just his persona as "Bree's Dad" perhaps? His identity as being that? But I do think there's a huge clue in how they addressed him and in the title.

4. The one that I think none of us want to believe: Bree's dad is dead, that's that...the end, finito, el fin, sayonnara, bit the big one...yeah I'll stop =P

And as for the person who said the video had "emptiness" and nothing in it to analyze, LOL! You don't know ARGs very well do you? Everything is analyzable, everything... what you think may be nothing could be the most important piece of the puzzle. So never think that nothing is just nothing.
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Post by betz28 »

dena - i just got back from 5 days without lg (have been reading to catch up on the last 2 vids) and thought the screencap comparison of cassie in second life and bree was neat...it caught my attention...so i commented...not going to go on any further about it.
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Post by joygasm »

grellen wrote:OK, I read most of these pages but not all, so forgive me if someone posed this theory already, but how about...

The man we know as Bree's dad is not really her dad. Her real dad/parents died long ago and the Order assigned people to raise her in preparation for the ceremony. During her talk with her "dad," Bree learns the truth and thus mourns the loss of her real father some time in the past.

Just an idea...
Nice! I like this theory! I think this is the one I will stick to!
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Post by Dena81 »

betz28 wrote:dena - i just got back from 5 days without lg (have been reading to catch up on the last 2 vids) and thought the screencap comparison of cassie in second life and bree was neat...it caught my attention...so i commented...not going to go on any further about it.
Oh! I didn't mean you lol when I posted that up I was only on page 8 and several made the connection and seeing that picture just brought up old memories of the boredom of SL and waiting for something to happen. That's why I said that =P.
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Post by Jamidru »

Her jacket looks a little large, perhaps a mens jacket?
her fathers?
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Post by betz28 »

i know...i saw it and just had to comment on it. i did not want to say anything else about it cuz i really dont think there is a connection.... :)
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Post by girlAnachronism »

It was probably daniel's or jonas's. Remember how she was in a tshirt when she went to visit her father?
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Post by livelongandprosper77 »

Daniel was a gentleman in the one vid where they were sitting by the motel pool remember. He gave her his hooded jacket which she amazingly put on while still holding the camera. 8)
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Post by enigma117 »

I still think, (as per my post on page 8, lol) :

In regards to the curt statement of "Bree's Dad is dead", perhaps it is due to the fact that Daniel,Bree, or Jonas accidentally shot him, and they are feeling horribly remorseful. A statement of fact, made so curtly because they know that they are responsible, and they don't know how to deal with this.

Maybe Bree or Daniel found a gun at Jonas' house. Maybe, in their teenage minds, they brought it for protection, and in the panic, shot it off - and it hit Bree's Dad. Perhaps when Bree ran into Daniels arms, Daniel then shot at the Deacon, but Bree's Dad got in the way.

Or maybe Jona is looking so pensive in the video is because he shot the gun - remember in the video, the camera jerks when the shot rings out - perhaps because Jonas is firing. Jonas just wants people to like him - he needs acceptance. Rich guy, big house, lots of cars, and probably a gun or two lying around the house - if he can help his friends by bringing a gun, maybe they wont abandon him.
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Post by girlAnachronism »

I really don't think any of the kids shot Bree's dad. It just doesn't seem plausible. After all, whenever Daniel was doing his breaking and entering, he was never packing... Bree talks to stuffed animals and fixes their wounds, she's not the kind of person who could brazenly shoot off a gun w/o knowing whom it would hit. And Jonas with a gun? I think your average five year old would understand how to use one better.
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Post by 04SSHD »

I just posted this in the other thread, but I went to the scene of the shooting today and took some video of the area. You guys will not believe what I FOUND!!!

I am editing the vid right now
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Post by solrac_krad »

As always, there are theories and theories just speculating without any plausible facts
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